On 10/28/2010 12:42 AM, Chris wrote:
On Wed, 27 Oct 2010 19:43:00 +0200
Pablo Rodríguez<oi...@web.de>  wrote:

Let us try again Pablo.  This time without the excess text!

Many thanks for your explanation, Chris.

I know that the method worked fine, at least with a previous version and
not having sound any of the couple of movies.

But I wouldn't discard a bug in embedding SWF video.

There is no bug. It doesn't play properly, because you are preventing it
from doing so.  Do this,

Perfect, now I understand this.

But there is a small issue that I have no idea how to solve it: I want the video only to play once, not to loop endlessly. How can I get this? (The video snippet is intended as a quote in a presentation.)

Thanks for your help again,



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