> On Dec 22, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Erica Sadun via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> As SE-0011 states, the concept of typealias is overloaded. 
> In one case, it's really just typedef. 
> In the other it's a stand-in for a deferred type that is specified by 
> conforming classes. 
> While you could argue that the other typealias be redefined to typedef, it's 
> pretty clear that in use, what's being described in the second case is an 
> associated type. The word associated means related to or connected to, and 
> type well it's a type. It  basically says "this is a placeholder type that 
> establishes a specific role in this protocol". I think associatedtype is a 
> pretty good word to describe what a second-style typealias does: a conforming 
> construct binds an associated type with an actual type instance. 
> The phrase "associated type" is used throughout the Swift Programming 
> Language book, for example: "When defining a protocol, it is sometimes useful 
> to declare one or more associated types as part of the protocol’s definition. 
> An associated type gives a placeholder name (or alias) to a type that is used 
> as part of the protocol. The actual type to use for that associated type is 
> not specified until the protocol is adopted."
> Some argue for raw type as the replacement:
> Dave Abrahams writes, "I’m actually coming around to wanting it to be just 
> “type” as a contextual keyword, if we can make that work.  The point is that 
> these types aren’t “associated” in any way that distinguishes them from other 
> requirements on nested declarations, i.e. funcs and vars."
> Joe Groff writes, "Yeah, if we could make 'type' work I'd prefer that too. 
> None of our other protocol requirement declarations specifically call out the 
> fact that they're protocol requirements, so it feels a bit weird to use a 
> name like 'associatedtype' or 'requiredsomething' that belabors the 
> relationship between the protocol and the requirement." 
> Type members are unlike the other kinds of required protocol members, like a 
> property, method, initializer, or subscript requirement. They aren't 
> implemented by a conforming construct or extension.

I don’t see how this:

protocol P {
  type/*alias*/ A

struct X : P {
  struct A {}

is fundamentally any different from:

protocol P {
  func f()

struct X : P {
  func f() {}

What am I missing?

> They act as stand-in or placeholder: assigned not implemented. They can even 
> be assigned as a default in the protocol definition, for example: typealias 
> Generator : GeneratorType = IndexingGenerator<Self> in CollectionType. 

The way defaults are specified is a non-uniformity that we want to fix.  
There’s no reason we couldn’t be providing default implementations of required 
protocol methods in the protocol body either.

> Unless typestandin, typeplaceholder, or adoptedtype are placed on the table, 
> I don't really see any reason to introduce a keyword other than 
> associatedtype for this proposal. 
> -- E
>> On Dec 22, 2015, at 8:40 AM, Guillaume Lessard via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> On 21 déc. 2015, at 17:57, Jordan Rose via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> When you're actually implementing a generic function, the generic parameter 
>>> is [snip]
>> Here's a word with meaning: parameter. Everything else I've seen sounds 
>> vague or approximate. Using the idea of a parameter would solidify the 
>> conceptual relationship between protocols-with-associated-types and generics.
>> protocol P {
>>  parameter T
>> }
>> Guillaume Lessard
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