Agreed for requiredtype. But I am not convinced “associatedtype” belabors the 
relationship between the protocol and the requirements. 

The word “associated” is never used as a replacement for “requirement”. It just 
names what the requirement is.
“[protocol] can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or 
__associated type requirements__”
“Grammar of a protocol __associated type__ declaration” (for comparison: 
“Grammar of a protocol __subscript__ declaration”)

(Counterpoint: maybe “associated” was only used there to avoid saying “type 
requirements/declaration”, which would be confusing)

I am now totally fine with “type”. But I am still afraid that it will be 
recycled elsewhere for a completely different purpose. Maybe that’s what you 
alluded to with “if we could make type work”? 

Anyway, it’s the holidays, and I don’t want to bother people with work. I think 
I will modify the proposal with a link to this discussion instead of “Community 
Responses”, and we’ll have three days right after the holidays to make a final 
choice :-)


PS: here is the result of a survey asking developers which keyword they prefer:
2 people (out of 100) chose “other” and specified “type”. Sadly it wasn’t 
presented as an option, sorry :(

> On Dec 22, 2015, at 3:56 AM, Joe Groff via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> Yeah, if we could make 'type' work I'd prefer that too. None of our other 
> protocol requirement declarations specifically call out the fact that they're 
> protocol requirements, so it feels a bit weird to use a name like 
> 'associatedtype' or 'requiredsomething' that belabors the relationship 
> between the protocol and the requirement.
> -Joe

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