It can’t hurt to work on a proof of concept, but I think it’s worth exploring 
the space of possible designs before jumping too far into an implementation. I 
have some code that adds an “annotation” declaration and adds a new attribute 
kind for custom annotations, though it still needs some work to be useful, most 
notably validating the annotations. Based on that, it seems clear to me that 
the major work for a first version isn’t the implementation - which has been 
straightforward so far - but getting community buy in.

I feel like the best way to do that is to provide convincing examples and 
thoroughly explore the space of designs to make sure we’re moving in the right 
direction while leaving room for future improvement.

-Akiva Leffert

> On Dec 27, 2015, at 2:24 PM, Radosław Smogura <> wrote:
> I think that throwing out our effort is bed idea. Waiting for reflection 
> system may cause that implementation of attributes will be impossible - both 
> of those things should be done together!
> Maybe it would be good to work on agile, iterative bases? What do you think 
> about defining for MVP
> - parsing minimised attribute declaration, enabled by command line feature 
> switch
> - producing some AST
> - validate attribute tree
> Later we can influence each other, and make corrections. It’s not waterfall 
> to define everything upfront.
> Best regards,
> Radek
>> On 27 Dec 2015, at 19:59, JOSE MARIA GOMEZ CAMA < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Well, it seems that we will have to wait for the reflection mechanism to be 
>> in place.
>> Best
>>> El 26/12/2015, a las 20:25, Akiva Leffert < 
>>> <>> escribió:
>>> I started off a thread about this a while back: 
>>> <>
>>> Based on the feedback I got, it seemed like the design for a serious custom 
>>> annotation system should wait until work starts on a macro system so that 
>>> they can be designed to complement each other. IMO, neither the java nor 
>>> python versions feel right for swift and we can do a lot better than just 
>>> copying them so it’s worth spending the time to get it right.
>>> Additionally, the property behaviors proposal currently on the table would 
>>> cover some of the use cases for annotations, depending on where it lands. 
>>> It seems plausible that we can make all these features work together in a 
>>> nice way. 
>>> Maybe it’s worth setting up a wiki page or something for use cases of 
>>> annotations to help inform a future design as well as the design of related 
>>> features?
>>> -Akiva Leffert
>>>> Message: 18
>>>> Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2015 10:03:35 +0000
>>>> From: JOSE MARIA GOMEZ CAMA < <>>
>>>> To: " <>" 
>>>> < <>>
>>>> Subject: [swift-evolution] Support for custom attributes
>>>> Message-ID: < 
>>>> <>>
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> I am quite new to Swift, though I have made some small checks within 
>>>> Xcode, so I could have missed some feature in swift that provides a 
>>>> functionality similar to the want I am proposing.
>>>> I have been using my own annotations in Java or decorators in Python, and 
>>>> I would like to have an equivalent functionality in Swift. As far as I 
>>>> have seen, there are attributes that can provide a similar solution, but 
>>>> AFAIK you cannot create new ones. Would it be possible to add this feature 
>>>> in Swift.
>>>>        Thanks in advance,
>>>>                Jose M.
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