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> On Mar 24, 2016, at 12:13 AM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> <responding to several posts in this thread at once>
>> On Mar 14, 2016, at 5:18 PM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution 
>> <> wrote:
>> Per Doug’s email, the core team agrees we should make a change here, but 
>> would like some bikeshedding to happen on the replacement name for private.
> What we do with private setters is orthogonal from this proposal, so I’m 
> going to ignore it in this thread.  After SE-0025 is resolved, it would be 
> great to have another thread/proposal that discusses reskinning private(set) 
> - presumably as just a modifier on the setter.
> Similarly, this proposal has nothing to do with “protected” or any other type 
> based access control, so I don’t delve into that at all either.
> I’ve seen several proposals that seem promising:
>> On Mar 14, 2016, at 5:49 PM, James Berry <> wrote:
>> I like fileprivate, if that’s the only change. On the other hand, if we want 
>> to consider a broader change, what about:
>>    private            symbol visible within the current declaration (class, 
>> extension, etc).
>>    private(module)    symbol visible within the current module.
>>    private(file)        symbol visible within the current file.
> I love how this establishes a family with different levels of access control, 
> and unites them under the idea of "levels of being private”.  I also like how 
> people would commonly only ever write public and private (because 
> “private(module)” is the default, and "private(file)" is obscure).  However, 
> parenthesized modifiers that take a keyword (as opposed to an identifier) are 
> a bit weird and awkward, so it would be nice to avoid them if possible.
>> On Mar 15, 2016, at 3:39 AM, Thorsten Seitz via swift-evolution 
>> <> wrote:
>> public
>> private-module
>> private-file
>> private
> This follows the same sort of structure as James’ proposal, without the 
> parens.  It has the same advantages, but trades them with hyphenated decl 
> modifiers.  We don’t do that, but it is a good direction.
> How about we continue this trend, and follow other existing Swift keywords 
> that merge two lowercase words (associatedtype, typealias, etc), and use:
>    public
>    moduleprivate
>    fileprivate
>    private
> The advantages, as I see them are:
> 1) We keep public and private meaning the “right” and “obvious” things.
> 2) The declmodifiers “read” correctly.
> 3) The unusual ones (moduleprivate and fileprivate) don’t use the awkward 
> parenthesized keyword approach.
> 4) The unusual ones would be “googable”.
> 5) Support for named submodules could be “dropped in” by putting the 
> submodule name/path in parens: private( or 
> moduleprivate(  Putting an identifier in the parens is much more 
> natural than putting keywords in parens.
> What do you all think?

+1.  This is probably the best option so far.  We need to pick something and 
move on at this point.

> -Chris
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