I agree that 'private' still feels too subjective on its own. It's
intuitively 'not public'; it's not intuitively the access term for
'declaration only'.

I'm not opposed to fileprivate and moduleprivate, if we like those terms.
I'd just prefer a corresponding scopeprivate or declarationprivate.

On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 3:21 PM, Brandon Knope via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

> > How about we continue this trend, and follow other existing Swift
> keywords that merge two lowercase words (associatedtype, typealias, etc),
> and use:
> >
> >    public
> >    moduleprivate
> >    fileprivate
> >    private
> >
> > The advantages, as I see them are:
> > 1) We keep public and private meaning the “right” and “obvious” things.
> > 2) The declmodifiers “read” correctly.
> > 3) The unusual ones (moduleprivate and fileprivate) don’t use the
> awkward parenthesized keyword approach.
> > 4) The unusual ones would be “googable”.
> > 5) Support for named submodules could be “dropped in” by putting the
> submodule name/path in parens: private(foo.bar.baz) or
> moduleprivate(foo.bar).  Putting an identifier in the parens is much more
> natural than putting keywords in parens.
> >
> > What do you all think?
> >
> > -Chris
> >
> >
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> I'm not sure my wording will be perfect here, but I will try: I still
> believe that private is implied in "module" and "file" and the problem is
> in the name of the plain "private" keyword.
> You may say private is obvious, but when you have moduleprivate and
> fileprivate, the natural question I ask is "What remaining kind of private
> is there?" so private's obviousness is muddied for me when next to
> moduleprivate and fileprivate.
> I will say I would prefer these keywords to the proposed parameter
> keywords. I just think:
> file -> implies file only
> module -> implies module only
> where adding private to them only adds noise (I.e. fileprivate and
> moduleprivate)
> Brandon
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> swift-evolution mailing list
> swift-evolution@swift.org
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