On 25/03/2016 15:24, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution wrote:
Hello Swift community,

The review of "Abolish ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional type" begins now and runs 
through March 30th. The proposal is available here:


As I don't use IUO optionals I'm really fairly neutral on the proposal. I just wanted to mention with the powerful tools we have for dealing with optionals (optional, chaining, nil-coalescing, map, flatmap, guard, and let - thanks Chris and team) it really would be quite feasible to do away with IUOs completely. I don't think the community is ready for that yet so I'm not proposing that course of action at this time but such a proposal wouldn't get a universally hostile response.

Even force unwrap is something that I only do test code since flatmap was added to the Standard Library (I used to have my own implementation of flatmap with a force unwrap after a filter which was the only production use I've put force unwrap to).

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