Yet another inconsistency in this area (for people who care about them)

While the 'while {}' does not support trailing closures, the 'repeat {} while' 
does support them. So, will the folks against supporting them in 'guard' ask 
for a change to drop the support in the 'repeat {} while'?


> Le 4 avr. 2016 à 19:52, Dany St-Amant via swift-evolution 
> <> a écrit :
>> Le 4 avr. 2016 à 10:19, Patrick Gili <> a écrit :
>> If I understand you correctly, you think adding keywords represents an 
>> inconsistency.
> I didn't write that, maybe I should have put my reply between your two 
> paragraphs. Adding keywords such as 'then' and 'do' could add some 
> consistency, but another word than 'do' will likely have to be found as 'do' 
> could break code as highlighted by Xiaodi, as well as cause by the 'catch' 
> case caught by Jeremy.
> I was merely highlighting the current inconsistency of the variable scope of 
> 'guard let' versus 'if let' which no one had mentioned so far... An 
> inconsistency which is (logically) fully design intent and will remain 
> forever. So some inconsistencies are acceptable, 
> Is accepting trailing closure in 'guard' really a new inconsistency?
> Being unable to use them with 'guard', 'if', 'switch' is the original 
> inconsistency as the trailing closure seemed to be use in many places 
> (including argument list of another function). Adding 'guard' as a location 
> where trailing closure are allowed doesn't really introduce a new 
> inconsistency, it just incompletely reduce an existing inconsistency.
>> However, I think it would add considerable consistency and utility to the 
>> Swift language. Yes, it would make it inconsistent with the generations of 
>> C-like languages that have come before it. However, I think we've already 
>> taken considerable steps from away from C-like languages; for example, 
>> removing C-like for-loop syntax and unary increment/decrement operators.
> I am with you here, Swift is Swift, C is C, Swift should not be hampered by 
> keeping the syntax identical to C. But, it seems that most prefer to type 
> less, so we should be really careful with proposing new keywords like this 
> 'then' and 'do' as they carry little meaning,  have to be mandatory (as per 
> Chris), and are really needed only for trailing closure which will not be 
> used by everyone.
> So, I'm against adding these 'then' and 'do' keywords for the sake of 
> providing the trailing support to 'if' and 'for'. And I do not see why we 
> should prevent 'guard' from gaining this support just because the 'if' and 
> 'for' doesn't also have it.
> Dany
>>> On Apr 3, 2016, at 11:44 AM, Dany St-Amant via swift-evolution 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Le 2 avr. 2016 à 15:39, Patrick Gili via swift-evolution 
>>> <> a écrit :
>>>>> What is your evaluation of the proposal?
>>>> I think there is a lot of value to allowing trailing closures in the guard 
>>>> condition clause. However, not at the cost of inconsistency. We have 
>>>> reviewed many proposals over the last month that addressed consistency 
>>>> issues in the Swift language, and if I'm not mistaken, all of them have 
>>>> been accepted by the community, larger to eliminate the inconsistency.
>>>> Because of this, I think two of the alternatives stated by the proposal 
>>>> have credibility:
>>>> 1) Eliminate the "else" keyword from the guard syntax.
>>>> 2) Add keywords to "if", "while", "for", and "switch" to delineate the 
>>>> condition clause from the body of the statement.
>>>> The second alternative has more appeal, because it supports trailing 
>>>> closures without "heroics".
>>> It have been mentioned multiple times that allowing trailing closure only 
>>> for guard is creating an inconsistency, but these keywords already are 
>>> inconsistent with the each other (beside the presence of the 'trailing' 
>>> else keyword) on the variable scoping:
>>> - guard let: outer scope immutable variable
>>> - if let: inner scope immutable variable
>>> - for: inner scope immutable variable without let keyword
>>> Consistency is good, but since each keywords are not for the exact same 
>>> thing, it is normal to see some variances.  Like the global scope of the 
>>> immutable variable created by guard; as per the intent of the keyword, or 
>>> its trailing else keyword; needed to clarify that what follow is for, for 
>>> lack of better word, the 'else' case.
>>> So as long as such inconsistency have a "raison d'être", that they have 
>>> been designed and are not an oversight; there should be no reason to not 
>>> allow them.
>>> Dany
>>>>> Is the problem being addressed significant enough to warrant a change to 
>>>>> Swift?
>>>> No.
>>>>> Does this proposal fit well with the feel and direction of Swift?
>>>> No. Please don't add inconsistencies to the language, as we're just going 
>>>> to have to deal with it down the road.
>>>>> If you have used other languages or libraries with a similar feature, how 
>>>>> do you feel that this proposal compares to those?
>>>> Not in my experience.
>>>>> How much effort did you put into your review? A glance, a quick reading, 
>>>>> or an in-depth study?
>>>> In-depth study.
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