Personally, I don't feel like your suggestion is a replacement for "with" feature. "With" not just about mutating(it can be used to just get multiply props from "target" instance), it allows to call methods of instance, use a label of "target" instance (like $0) to be used as argument (like with someInstance { ...; callFunc($0); } etc.

Also, in your suggestion there is implicit "self" for the target instance (.firstName) and this will produce not obvious code (like .someColor = .colorRed - first belongs to target instance, second - enum value)

I believe you can start new [Discussion]/[Idea] about this "mutating" feature, in this thread I'd like to collect opinions regarding the "with" feature proposal.

On 22.04.2016 11:12, Patrick Smith wrote:
I was wondering if all mutating and setters of a method could become a type
(Typename.Mutation), say something similar to an enum.

You’d use it like this:

let alice = john mutating [
  .firstName = "Alice",

See more here:


On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 12:18 AM -0700, "Vladimir.S via swift-evolution"
< <>> wrote:

    Just wanted to summarize our opinions on this suggestion that we was
    discussing earlier and check if someone is ready to crate an "official"
    proposal for this feature.

    There a number of questions regarding this feature we can discuss, for
    example statement vs method, what could be a placeholder of target instance
    inside the scope($0, $, _, .., nothing etc)

    The main question, *do you support that we need "with" feature in some way
    in Swift 3.0 out of the box* . And if so, what variant do you prefer.

    * this proposal is for *explicit* "with", where it is clear what
    method/property belongs to the "target" instance
    * I believe that as such feature is really useful and handy, if it is
    explicit and if it is clearly showing in code what we are doing - we want
    to have this feature as part of language/standard lib rather than
    possibility to use some workaround to implement it
    * It is not about saving the space in code. It is about more readable and
    (I insist) more stable(with less errors) code. Much less possibilities for
    copy-paste errors. Wrong code completion suggestion(by editor) can not
    produce error. It is explicit and clear, it has much less noise in code.
    * Many of us already implemented and use such "with" construction in some 

    There were 2 main suggestions :

    1) Introduce "with" statement that can be used in for example in such way:

    // set props just after creating
    // similar to "if let.. " and "guard let.."
    with let questionLabel = UILabel() {
       //set props of created instance here
       // here we can have:
       // $0.prop = value
       // or
       // ..prop = value
       // or
       // .prop = value
       // or
       // _.prop = value
       // or
       // $.prop = value
       // or ?
    // questionLabel is available here

    // works for structures
    with var some = SomeStruct() {

    // just for some class/structure/enum
    with questionLabel {
       // ..


    with var src = someNamedInstance1,
          let dst = someNamedInstance2 {
        src.propA = dst.propB

    with someNamedInstance1, someNamedInstance2 {
        $0.propA = $1.propB

    2) Introduce .with method for each(?) class/struct, so we can use 

    let questionLabel = UILabel().with {
       //set props of created instance here
       $0.prop = value

    var someStructInstance = SomeStruct().with {target in
       target.prop = value

    questionLabel.with {label in
       label.prop = value

    someNamedInstance1.with(someNamedInstance2) {src, dst in
        src.propA = dst.propB

    Note that function like this :
    func with(item:T, apply:(T)->Void) {  apply(item) }

    Produces such kind of problems:
    struct A {var x = 1}
    let a1 = A() // constant
    with (a1) { $0.x = 10 } // this will be compiled without errors/warnings

    On 13.04.2016 17:17, Radosław Pietruszewski via swift-evolution wrote:
    > It can be (more-or-less) solved in library code today:
    >     extension NSObjectProtocol {
    >         public func with(@noescape fn: Self -> Void) -> Self {
    >             fn(self)
    >             return self
    >         }
    >     }
    > This way, you can do, on NSObjects:
    >     textLabel.with {
    >     $0.textAlignment = .Left
    >     $0.textColor = .darkTextColor()
    >     }
    > I love this pattern.
    > You can also make it a function to make it work with any value of any kind
    > (it will then take form of `with(foo) { …}`).
    > Ideally, if you could write a universal extension (something like
    > `extension Any`), you could just add this behavior, with method syntax, to
    > everything.
    > — Radek
    >> On 13 Apr 2016, at 15:15, 李海珍 via swift-evolution
    >> > wrote:
    >> I recently learned some VBA and I found a very conveniently `with` 
    >> `with` statement can be helpful to set property for UIKit instance.
    >> for instance a UILabel instance `textLabel` ,with `with` statement we can
    >> set UILabel property like this
    >> ```swift
    >> with textLabel{
    >> .textAlignment= .Left
    >> .textColor= UIColor.darkTextColor()
    >> .font= UIFont.systemFontOfSize(15)
    >> }
    >> ```
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