Agree. Such construction is also very useful. +1 to implement it.

From one side we know, that we should name variables with meaningful names. From other side, the longer the name of variable - the more noise you see in code and in some cases this noise,copy-paste,ide completion suggestions produce bugs in code when you need a lot of assignments/actions for one/two particular instance(s).
So IMO such "with" produces less errors and is clear.

Please provide your opinions on this.

On 15.04.2016 3:47, Dany St-Amant via swift-evolution wrote:
Thought with a free standing 'with' the next request to come in, could be to be 
able to do something like:

with source, destination {
  $1.something = $0.somethingSimilar
  $1.x = $0.bound.left
  $1.y = $

So using $0,  may be a future proofing option.

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