> On 1 May 2016, at 09:12, Антон Жилин <antonyzhi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Pattern binding for optionals will look like:
> if let x? = y { … }

Would take a little getting used to, but I think I’d be fine with it, as the 
way things are now is inconsistent with regular assignments (which remain 

My only concern is why the question mark on the left hand side? I don’t really 
have any concrete reason against it, but it just feels kind of odd to me, I’m 
just hoping for some reasoning why some of the alternatives aren’t better fits 

        if let x = y? { … } // More like optional chaining, which is familiar 
as an “if non-nil proceed” behaviour
        if let x ?= y { … } // More obviously a special type of assignment that 
could fail if y is nil

Again, I’m in favour, I’m just curious why the mentioned format, were others 
considered previously, or is just because that’s how the case-keyword form does 
it? (I don’t use it as I’ve never liked that form, and it doesn’t seem that 
well known anyway).
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