> On May 7, 2016, at 6:43 PM, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> If I read Andrew’s post correctly it sounds like it may also be of use to the 
> optimizer in some cases.

I’ll just requote Dave’s example, which made perfect sense to me (so I’m not 
sure why there’s an argument):

> To me that means, if the behavior of “f” only depends on
> data reachable through this array, and f makes no mutations, then in
> this code, the two calls to f() are guaranteed have the same effect.
>      func g<T>(a: [T]) {
>        var vc = MyViewController(a)
>        vc.f() // #1
>        h()
>        vc.f() // #2
>     }
> But clearly, the only way that can be the case is if T is actually
> immutable (and contains no references to mutable data), because
> otherwise anybody can write:
>    class X { ... }
>    let global: [X] = [ X() ]
>    func h() { global[0].mutatingMethod() }
>    g(global)
> Conclusion: your definition of PureValue, as written, implies conforming
> reference types must be immutable.  I'm not saying that's necessarily
> what you meant, but if it isn't, you need to try to define it again.

Yes, of course. If a PureValue contains a reference it must be immutable or 
only mutated when uniquely referenced.

There are other ways to communicate what the optimizer needs. I think the more 
interesting question is how users should express the value semantics of their 

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