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> On May 13, 2016, at 9:12 AM, Dave Abrahams <> wrote:
>> on Mon May 09 2016, Matthew Johnson <> wrote:
>>    My claim is that substituting the constraint of “it has value
>>    semantics,” while presumably looser than the PureValue constraint, would
>>    not compromise the correctness of your view controller, so not only is
>>    the meaning of PureValue hard to define, but it doesn't buy you
>>    anything.  If you want to refute that, just show me the code.
>>        This is not an algorithmic use but is still perfectly valid IMO.
>>    If the properties of PureValue matter to your view controller, there's
>>    an algorithm somewhere that depends on those properties for its
>>    correctness.
>> In many cases it may just be view configuration that depends on those
>> properties.  I suppose you can call view configuration code an
>> algorithm but I think that would fall outside of common usage.
> It's an algorithm, or if the configuration is declarative, there's an
> algorithm that manipulates it.  That said, I still don't have a concrete
> example of how view configuration can depend on these properties.

The algorithm might just be "copy x bit of data to y view property, etc".  That 
is so trivial that it feels like a stretch to call it an algorithm.

That "algorithm" doesn't depend on this property because it executes at a 
single point in time.  However, a view controller might depend on that property 
in order to render properly across time (for example, configuring cells as they 
scroll on and off screen).  

This property allows us to separate values from non-local mutation and make 
such separation a requirement.  Rather than observing mutations of objects with 
KVO, etc we might prefer to observe something that provides a new aggregate 
value instead, while requiring the entire aggregate value itself to be 
(observably) immutable at all times (because we stored it with a let property 
locally).  This can make it easier to reason about correct behavior of your 
code.  But it doesn't work unless all visible parts of the aggregate are 

 If you're not familiar with Elm, Redux, etc it might be worth taking a look.  

> -- 
> -Dave

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