Hello swift-evolution,

I've been thinking about a standard library 'Data' type for a while, analogous 
to NSData in the same way Swift's Arrays and Dictionaries are analogous to 
NSArrays and NSDictionaries. A first-class container for binary data that is 
available to every Swift user, conforms to Swift semantics, and is safer and 
easier to work with than UnsafeBufferPointer seems like a natural fit for the 
standard library.

As such, I've put together a very preliminary proposal, which can be found 
 I present it not as a way to impose a vision of what such a Data type should 
look like, but rather as a way to catalyze discussion (including discussion as 
to whether or not a Data type is even a good idea in the first place).

Some thoughts:

- It's not clear if the methods to convert to and from base-64 encoded data are 
necessary. The state flag that tries to mark whether or not a Data represents 
base-64-encoded string stored as a data may be unnecessary as well.

- I didn't really go into how NSData should be bridged. Special consideration 
needs to be given to how any native Data type would interact with the overlays 
described in 
 It's possible (and only if a compelling technical reason exists) that the 
Foundation implementation of NSData can in the future be moved into 
Swift/supplanted by such a native data type, with API extensions to provide 
conformance to the Objective-C Foundation API. This proposal should not be seen 
as an attempt to usurp Foundation's job, though - there are plenty of 
to-be-value types in Foundation whose inclusion directly in the standard 
library makes little sense.

- Perhaps Data should be generic over various types of fixed-width integers 
(signed and unsigned, 8, 16, 32, 64, machine-width, etc). In that case it might 
also provide generic views (for example, to allow iteration over a Data<UInt64> 
as if it were a collection of UInt8 bytes). I'm not yet sure if this is 
feasible or desirable.

Finally, it's possible that this is strictly Swift 4 territory, in which case 
I'm happy to withdraw from discussion until the time is right later this year.

Best regards,
swift-evolution mailing list

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