Hi Patrick,

Thanks for your feedback!

dispatch_data_t certainly is an intriguing alternative. I don't think it would 
be a good fit for a Swift standard library type verbatim, given that it's 
written in C and contains APIs that would not really be relevant within a Swift 
environment, but it should definitely be considered as a model.

One question that this brings up is whether supporting non-contiguous data 
regions in a native Swift data type is worth the complexity costs. There are 
good reasons for dispatch_data_t to be implemented the way it is, but NSData 
has always assumed that it is modeling a contiguous area in memory, and it 
provides users with raw access to the underlying buffer. A cursory examination 
of a few other languages (Java, Python, Haskell) show that these languages all 
model binary data as some sort of contiguous array-like construct containing 

I do think, at the very least, overlays should exist to provide initializers 
that convert between dispatch_data_t in Swift's libdispatch, the native Data 
type, and NSData (if NSData is still to be a separate type after Data is 
implemented). If contiguity is not important (and there is no compelling reason 
for access to raw pointers to be exposed in a public interface), it makes a lot 
of sense to 'unify' the various data types under a DataProtocol protocol that 
inherits from RandomAccessCollection.

Another question is how a Data type's API will interact with however Swift 
eventually decides to handle native serialization/deserialization, but that's 
almost certainly a >= Swift 4 topic and I won't go into detail right now.


> On May 11, 2016, at 3:57 AM, Patrick Smith <pgwsm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Austin,
> The proposal looks well fleshed out! Another alternative to consider is the 
> ‘DispatchData’ struct from libdispatch currently being reviewed? Some of 
> additions these could be added as an extension to that type? Or perhaps a 
> protocol could be made ‘DataProtocol’, that has a base set of required 
> methods and a further set of extensions using that base. Then NSData and 
> DispatchData can conform and implement those base methods and each get the 
> functionality. But personally I think it would be nice to make DispatchData 
> the native Swift data type, whether the libdispatch team would accept 
> extensions in the future like this I don’t know, but I think it would be 
> interesting.
> Patrick
>> On 11 May 2016, at 7:37 PM, Austin Zheng via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> Hello swift-evolution,
>> I've been thinking about a standard library 'Data' type for a while, 
>> analogous to NSData in the same way Swift's Arrays and Dictionaries are 
>> analogous to NSArrays and NSDictionaries. A first-class container for binary 
>> data that is available to every Swift user, conforms to Swift semantics, and 
>> is safer and easier to work with than UnsafeBufferPointer seems like a 
>> natural fit for the standard library.
>> As such, I've put together a very preliminary proposal, which can be found 
>> here: 
>> https://github.com/austinzheng/swift-evolution/blob/d2/proposals/XXXX-stdlib-data.md
>> <https://github.com/austinzheng/swift-evolution/blob/d2/proposals/XXXX-stdlib-data.md>.
>>  I present it not as a way to impose a vision of what such a Data type 
>> should look like, but rather as a way to catalyze discussion (including 
>> discussion as to whether or not a Data type is even a good idea in the first 
>> place).
>> Some thoughts:
>> - It's not clear if the methods to convert to and from base-64 encoded data 
>> are necessary. The state flag that tries to mark whether or not a Data 
>> represents base-64-encoded string stored as a data may be unnecessary as 
>> well.
>> - I didn't really go into how NSData should be bridged. Special 
>> consideration needs to be given to how any native Data type would interact 
>> with the overlays described in 
>> https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0069-swift-mutability-for-foundation.md
>> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0069-swift-mutability-for-foundation.md>.
>>  It's possible (and only if a compelling technical reason exists) that the 
>> Foundation implementation of NSData can in the future be moved into 
>> Swift/supplanted by such a native data type, with API extensions to provide 
>> conformance to the Objective-C Foundation API. This proposal should not be 
>> seen as an attempt to usurp Foundation's job, though - there are plenty of 
>> to-be-value types in Foundation whose inclusion directly in the standard 
>> library makes little sense.
>> - Perhaps Data should be generic over various types of fixed-width integers 
>> (signed and unsigned, 8, 16, 32, 64, machine-width, etc). In that case it 
>> might also provide generic views (for example, to allow iteration over a 
>> Data<UInt64> as if it were a collection of UInt8 bytes). I'm not yet sure if 
>> this is feasible or desirable.
>> Finally, it's possible that this is strictly Swift 4 territory, in which 
>> case I'm happy to withdraw from discussion until the time is right later 
>> this year.
>> Best regards,
>> Austin
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