What do you mean by "go before review"? 

I moved the proposal to a new thread: [Proposal] New mechanism to combine Types 
with/or Protocols 

Feel free to read the formatted document, provide me some feedback and point me 
to typos if you spot any. 

I'll add the possibility to allow multiple reference/value types within the 
angle brackets as a considered alternative. 

I finally understand what Thorsten meant with this example: 

func intersect<T, U>(set1: Set<T>, set2: Set<U>) -> Set<All<T, U>> 

If T == U we'll get All<T, T> == T 

Or simply: 

func intersect<T>(set1: Set<T>, set2: Set<T>) -> Set<All<T>> 

This makes more sense to me. :)

Adrian Zubarev 

Am 17. Mai 2016 um 09:09:55, Austin Zheng via swift-evolution 
(swift-evolution@swift.org(mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org)) schrieb:

> This is the proposal I'd like to see go before review, and the one I think is 
> closest in spirit to the generics roadmap.
> Things like adding union types, and rewriting Swift's type system to look 
> like Scala's, have very little to do with better representations of 
> existentials, and belong in a follow-up proposal.
> Austin
> > On May 16, 2016, at 11:55 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution 
> > <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> > 
> > > But don't you mean the union type of all possible Collection types when 
> > > you write Any<Collection>?
> > 
> > No, I mean "an existential capable of holding any Collection".
> > 
> > If I write Any<Equatable, Collection>, I mean "an existential capable of 
> > holding any Equatable Collection".
> > 
> > If I write Any<UITableViewCell, CounterDisplaying>, I mean "an existential 
> > capable of holding any CounterDisplaying UITableViewCell".
> > 
> > If I write Any<Collection where .Element: Equatable>, I mean "an 
> > existential capable of holding any Collection with an Equatable Element".
> > 
> > If I write Any<class>, I mean "An existential capable of holding any class 
> > instance".
> > 
> > If I write Any, I mean "An existential capable of holding anything".
> > 
> > Union types have nothing to do with it.
> > 
> > --
> > Brent Royal-Gordon
> > Architechies
> > 
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