Ok I feel like I’m ready to submit this `base` proposal for `Any<>` which can 
be extended even further later on.

Please take a last look: 

Adrian Zubarev
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Am 17. Mai 2016 bei 20:18:55, Adrian Zubarev (adrian.zuba...@devandartist.com) 

I really would like to understand what you was trying to tell me. :) My English 
is a little rusty to understand every piece of someone's thought.

By any chance someone could propose your ideas as an enhancement/upgrade of my 
`Any<>` mechanism later on? I mean like Joe did with removing `.self` which 
implies the ability of parsing expressions after 'as' and 'is' instead of just 

I’d update my document soon at let you guys have a quick look over it before 
I’ll submit a pull request. :)

Adrian Zubarev
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Am 17. Mai 2016 bei 20:02:35, Douglas Gregor (dgre...@apple.com) schrieb:

On May 17, 2016, at 10:40 AM, Adrian Zubarev <adrian.zuba...@devandartist.com> 

You don’t seem to be tackling the case of “A Collection whose Element type is 
String”. If we’re generalizing the current “protocol<>” notion, why not make it 
as powerful as a generic signature, with the ability to specify same-type 
constraints and conformances on associated types?

- Doug

Which part of the manifesto did I left out? ^^ Could you provide a quick pseudo 
code example?

Do you mean something like `Any<Collection where Element == String>`? I’m not 
sure where I should consider such a scenario, maybe at future directions?

That’s the part I’m referring to, yes. I just realized that your proposal isn’t 
lifting the restrictions on protocols with Self types or associated types, so 
my suggestion doesn’t make sense for your proposal without a significant 
increase in scope.

- Doug

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