I may be wrong but I don't remember any other case of a keyword in
Swift composed of two or more words, so I believe these should be
exceptions. I would agree best to change these keywords for others
consisting of only one word but I myself have no suggestion what those
could be. Otherwise I'd rather keep them as-is.

On 18 May 2016 at 17:38, Michael Peternell via swift-evolution
<swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Hi Erica,
> "didset" and "willset" are outliers in the general rule that when combining 
> multiple words into an identifier, that you should use camelCase. which rule 
> is more important? I'd like to introduce a third rule: don't fix it if it 
> isn't broken, or more mildly: if in doubt, keep it the way it is. or another 
> one: embrace precedent.. "@IBOutlet" is also not all-lowercase, should it be 
> changed too? I'd say no, because in objc it is called "IBOutlet" as well. 
> Also, for my Apple Mail client, "didset" and "willset" are marked as typos, 
> but "didSet" and "willSet" is okay :)
> => I vote for "didSet" and "willSet".
> I think we should be more careful when trying to argue with "consistency". It 
> sounds objective, when in reality it's often very subjective, because 
> Immanuel Kant's imperative is ambiguous ;) there are multiple ways to be 
> consistent. If you are saying that something is inconsistent, you either 
> assert a specific rule of consistency (like "keywords are always lowercase"), 
> or you must argue that there is no general/sane rule under which the 
> individual parts of the system are consistent.
> And for all the others who want to abolish didSet and willSet completely:
> NO WAY! they are both useful and I even used them for real code. For example, 
> from code in my bachelors thesis (it's about polygons):
>     public var points: Array<CGPoint> = [] {
>         didSet {
>             _area = nil
>             _centroid = nil
>         }
>     }
> I want to cache the _area and _centroid of a polygon, because I'm going to 
> use it many many times more often than I change points. I would have to 
> rewrite that code to something like
>     private var _points: Array<CGPoint> = []
>     public var points {
>         get {
>             return _points
>         }
>         set {
>             _area = nil
>             _centroid = nil
>             _points = newValue
>         }
>     }
> That's not better, and it probably breaks the COW-optimization of the 
> underlying array. (And don't tell me that my design is bad because I use 
> "didSet", I really don't think so.)
> -Michael
>> Am 18.05.2016 um 17:09 schrieb Erica Sadun via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org>:
>> didSet and willSet remain outliers in the general rule of conjoined 
>> lowercase keywords. Is there any support for bringing these outliers into 
>> the fold?
>> -- E, going through her "ttd notes" this morning
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