That was my impression as well, but if there's a good argument otherwise I 
would welcome someone eventually taking it to the proposal stage (probably 
after Swift 3). Even a formal discussion period followed by a rejection would 
help us understand if/where the type system is deficient, and perhaps figure 
out alternative ways to address those areas.


> On May 25, 2016, at 8:57 PM, Matthew Johnson <> wrote:
> Sent from my iPad
> On May 25, 2016, at 10:51 PM, Austin Zheng via swift-evolution 
> < <>> wrote:
>> I think a good proposal in this space would allow protocols to specify 
>> whether they could be implemented only once or multiple times, which would 
>> address the issues the manifesto raised regarding (e.g.) multiple impls of 
>> Sequence breaking everything.
> I'm pretty sure the core team is strongly against allowing multiple 
> implementations of the same protocol by the same type.  This isn't the first 
> time it has been discussed.  It tends to come up in conjunction with generic 
> protocols, but I believe all the same issues are relevant here as well.
>> Austin
>>> On May 25, 2016, at 8:49 PM, T.J. Usiyan < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Yes, that is what I mean. I forgot that generic protocols were there 
>>> (probably because they are listed under 'unlikely'). I have bumped into 
>>> this a couple times now so I would very much like to make a type conform 
>>> multiple times.
>>> On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 9:46 PM, Austin Zheng < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Do you mean allowing a type to conform to a protocol multiple times with a 
>>> different set of types each time? That's an interesting idea; the generics 
>>> manifesto describes the same feature but implemented using generics: 
>>> <> 
>>> ("Generic Protocols").
>>>> On May 25, 2016, at 8:43 PM, T.J. Usiyan via swift-evolution 
>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>> +1 for the proposal.
>>>> Another quirk of associated types is that they cannot be overloaded as far 
>>>> as I can tell. Requiring explicit declaration could move us toward 
>>>> allowing multiple types to serve. Does anyone else see this as a useful 
>>>> feature to pursue?
>>>> TJ
>>>> On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 6:33 PM, Sean Heber via swift-evolution 
>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>> This is how I feel as well - I don't understand why we'd want to make the 
>>>> programmer do more work. Shouldn't the goal for the compiler and language 
>>>> be to make the end user programmer do *less* work while still getting 
>>>> solid results? I would like to see more and smarter magic like 
>>>> inference/context awareness in the language - not less!
>>>> l8r
>>>> Sean
>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> On May 25, 2016, at 5:37 PM, Leonardo Pessoa via swift-evolution 
>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>> -1. I don't really see how this is a bad thing and why it has to change. 
>>>>> To me this is one of the best features of the language and I want more of 
>>>>> it (I've been through some situations it was totally obvious the expected 
>>>>> type of a variable and the compiler couldn't infer it) not less.
>>>>> From: Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Sent: ‎25/‎05/‎2016 07:06 PM
>>>>> To: David Hart <>
>>>>> Cc: Swift-evolution <>
>>>>> Subject: Re: [swift-evolution] [Pitch] Remove associated type inference
>>>>> I agree that if we’re going to do it we should probably do it in Swift 3. 
>>>>>  But it is a very convenient and useful feature that significantly lowers 
>>>>> the bar of conforming to protocols with associated types (in many cases 
>>>>> you can just implement the required members without thinking about the 
>>>>> associated types).  I think we should have a more detailed and compelling 
>>>>> story about why we’re considering this change than I see in this proposal.
>>>>> Are there any benefits users might receive from this change (assuming 
>>>>> type checker architecture and bugs could eventually be ironed out)?  Is 
>>>>> it actively blocking desirable new features?  If so what are they and in 
>>>>> what way are they blocked?
>>>>>> On May 25, 2016, at 4:43 PM, David Hart via swift-evolution 
>>>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Here’s a pitch for removing associated type inference as per the 
>>>>>> Generics Manifesto. If we want to do it, we’d better do it before Swift 
>>>>>> 3:
>>>>>> Remove associated type inference
>>>>>> Proposal: SE-XXXX 
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> Author: David Hart <>, Douglas Gregor 
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> Status: TBD
>>>>>> Review manager: TBD
>>>>>> <>Introduction
>>>>>> This proposal seeks to remove the inference of associated types in types 
>>>>>> conforming to protocols.
>>>>>> <>Motivation
>>>>>> Even if associated types inference in a useful feature, it is also a big 
>>>>>> source of bugs in the compiler. This proposal argues that the usefulness 
>>>>>> does not outweight its architectural complexity. As per the Generics 
>>>>>> Manifesto 
>>>>>> <>:
>>>>>> associated type inference is the only place in Swift where we have a 
>>>>>> global type inference problem: it has historically been a major source 
>>>>>> of bugs, and implementing it fully and correctly requires a drastically 
>>>>>> different architecture to the type checker.
>>>>>> Because this is a breaking change, it would be beneficial to implement 
>>>>>> it for Swift 3. 
>>>>>> <>Detailed
>>>>>>  Design
>>>>>> The proposal would remove associated type inference and make code which 
>>>>>> relied on it invalid:
>>>>>> protocol IteratorProtocol {
>>>>>>   associatedtype Element
>>>>>>   mutating func next() -> Element?
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> struct IntIterator : IteratorProtocol {
>>>>>>   mutating func next() -> Int? { ... }  // used to infer Element = Int
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> The compiler would generate an error message stating: error: IntIterator 
>>>>>> is missing its Element associated type declaration. The code would have 
>>>>>> to be modified as follows to fix the error:
>>>>>> struct IntIterator : IteratorProtocol {
>>>>>>     typealias Element = Int
>>>>>>     mutating func next() -> Int? { return nil }  // used to infer 
>>>>>> Element = Int
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> <>Impact
>>>>>>  on Existing Code
>>>>>> This is a breaking change that will require conforming types which 
>>>>>> relied on the inference, including in the Standard Library, to 
>>>>>> explicitly declare associated types. A Fix-It could be introduced to add 
>>>>>> the typealias and leave the type to be filled in. That way, all the type 
>>>>>> inference could be removed from the compiler.
>>>>>> <>
>>>>> [The entire original message is not included.]
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