Exactly what I feel about this. 

I am prepared to go as far as disallowing:

let x = optionalX, y = optionalY 

syntax to free up comma for use instead of semicolon. Then the above becomes:

let x = optionalX, let y = optionalY

In this case we will keep the comma at the end of the line as well.

> On May 31, 2016, at 2:25 PM, Paul Cantrell via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Returning to the list after a brutally busy spring, a demi-review:
> I vote…
> +1 on addressing this problem,
> +1 on the proposal’s structural approach (list of items which may be either 
> boolean tests or bindings, in any order), and
> +1 on eliminating “where” in the presence of a better approach,
> …but am ambivalent about the semicolon. Hereafter follows a slushy reflection 
> on my deepest inner thoughts and feelings about syntax.
> The logic behind the semicolon makes perfect sense, but my initial gut 
> reaction agrees with others who say it just isn’t pleasant to read. I spent 
> some time fiddling with places in my code where I’ve used “if … where” and 
> tried the proposed syntax instead. It feels … off.
> Commas in the same spots feel better somehow. I spent some time reflecting on 
> why this might be, and I think it’s just that my brain is so strongly trained 
> to parse the semicolon as a statement separator. IOW, my mental hierarchy is 
> this:
>       expression
>       comma
>       statement
>       semicolon ←
> …(and this is intuitively true for me despite the C-style for loop), but the 
> proposal asks us to read this way instead:
>       expression
>       comma
>       semicolon ←
>       statement
> In particular, my years of C trained me to spot this mistake:
>       if(foo < bar);
>           oopsThisAlwaysExecutes();
> …and seeing that semicolon on the same line as the “if” in Swift triggers 
> that deeply conditioned alarm bell. Then again, “if let” and “if case” have 
> always felt weirdly wrong to me as well, and I eventually got used to them. 
> I’d probably get used to this proposed syntax as well.
> The line breaks look better than semicolons, but suffer a bit from the same 
> “statement boundary” brain retraining problem.
> Somebody proposed && (Brent maybe?). I tried it out too. It’s surprisingly 
> pleasant to read, but makes it look like I should be able to arbitrarily 
> embed bindings deep in expressions in ways that would open hideous cans of 
> worms:
>    if let foo = bar && barTest(foo) || let foo = baz && bazTest(foo) {
>        // Is foo defined here? What is its type? Yikes!
>    }
> Communicating that the top-level separator in a condition clause is not just 
> another boolean operator does seem important.
> Bottom line: the proposal addresses a real problem, and the proposed solution 
> is an improvement. If the choice is either current syntax or SE-0099, I vote 
> for SE-0099. I have a nagging feeling there’s a better third choice out there 
> somewhere. If there isn’t, then I’ll take SE-0099.
> Cheers,
> Paul
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