> I believe large syntax changes should have more discussion from more 
> developers and not a very small subset of them. The review announcement needs 
> to be broader: the swift blog needs to announce it so more people know.


Firstly, for those who cannot follow the list—and I can't say I blame them—the 
-announce list already allows them to ignore everything except the beginnings 
of reviews. Anyone who wants to (and who speaks English) can be notified of any 
significant proposed change to the language and can submit their comments for 
the core team's consideration. That is enough.

The purpose of reviews is not to cast ballots for or against a feature. It is 
to submit arguments, for and against, for the core team to consider as they 
decide whether and how to address the problem the proposal's "Motivation" 
section describes. For that purpose, there is no need to collect hundreds or 
thousands of reviews, and if we did, the review manager would be swamped 
anyway. It is enough to get a reasonable variety of eyes, from a reasonable 
variety of perspectives, on the problem.

I think that has happened here. We have not heard from every perspective, but 
we have heard from enough of them that adding more will not help all that much. 
Feedback always has diminishing returns: going from one person to two is far 
more valuable than going from fifty-one to fifty-two.

And in particular, I *don't* think the beginner perspective is an especially 
worrisome one for this particular proposal. Though some of the syntaxes we 
considered might have been confusing for beginners (*cough*semicolon*cough*), 
the one the core team settled in is actually one of the simplest, and certainly 
much simpler than the status quo. If anything, the people most disadvantaged by 
this solution are the power users who are used to the "multiple if-let" 
shorthand and will now have to add extra keywords to their code.

Brent Royal-Gordon

swift-evolution mailing list

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