Well, the "harmful" nature of it is something that still hasn't been
established as far as I'm concerned. I came to this discussion a little
late, but after reading through as many old email comments as I could find,
the only harm is an undocumented report that somewhere there were some
relatively new users to Swift who had to ask a question about how
for-in-where worked. If you have more information about how widespread this
problem is and how much trouble it is really causing in the world, then
please provide it.

On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 9:50 AM let var go <letva...@gmail.com> wrote:

> No, the key difference between for...in and forEach is that for...in
> allows for early exit. They both allow you to 'continue', though in forEach
> it is called 'return':
> // This prints odd numbers, skipping ("continuing") past the even numbers:
> (0..<100).forEach { if $0 % 2 == 0 { return } else { print($0) } }
> Early-exit ('break') is a different beast and requires a for...in loop.
> You missed my main point. In some situations even 'continue' may prove to
> be useful. It is not my preferred method.
> Why do you say, "Swift is not a live-and-let-live language?" Where do you
> get that from? Are you really saying that there is not room in the Swift
> community for people with different coding styles and preferences? I truly
> believe that that attitude will be very harmful to the long term future of
> the language.
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 9:29 AM Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> See, the key difference between for...in and .forEach() is that one
>> allows for continue and break and the other doesn't. Swift is not a
>> live-and-let-live language: if you truly believe that using continue leads
>> to bad code, then propose its removal or the removal of for...in altogether.
>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 11:21 let var go <letva...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> No, I wouldn't eliminate 'continue'. Even though I consider it a
>>> sub-optimal solution, I would keep it in the language. Why? A couple of
>>> reasons:
>>> 1) I don't like it, but even 'continue' may be the best available
>>> solution in the context of a particular problem. I will look for other
>>> options first, but I don't rule out the possibility that there might come a
>>> time when it is the right tool for the job.
>>> 2) Some people like it. Not everyone feels the same way about it as me.
>>> Some of the people who like it are better programmers than me. I have a lot
>>> to learn, and someday I might discover that I love 'continue' after all.
>>> Until then, live-and-let-live is what I say. Everyone should control their
>>> own flow :) Keep your hands off my 'where' and I'll keep my hands off your
>>> 'continue' :)
>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 8:56 AM Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 10:44 AM, let var go <letva...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I think we must be reading different discussions.
>>>>> What I have seen in this discussion is the following:
>>>>> a) The need to filter a for-in loop doesn't arise that often; but,
>>>>> b) When it does arise, everyone who has chimed in on this thread
>>>>> (except the two people who are proposing the change) thinks that the
>>>>> "where" clause is the clearest, most expressive way to do it.
>>>>> Something that would help me get on board with this change is more
>>>>> evidence about what kind of problems it is actually creating.
>>>>> As best I can tell, this proposal got started because "somewhere" some
>>>>> new programmers (no one knows how many) expressed some confusion (no one
>>>>> knows how seriously they were confused, or how long it took them to figure
>>>>> it out) about how the where clause worked in a for-in loop. For all we
>>>>> know, once they learned the way it works, they may have said, "Hey that's
>>>>> cool! I'm gonna use that from now on!"
>>>>> In other words, you seem to be talking about removing a feature that
>>>>> is liked by *a lot* people, based on some unsubstantiated reports of user
>>>>> error that may or may not have been totally unsubstantial.
>>>>> I don't want new programmers to be confused, either, but the "where"
>>>>> clause is such a basic programming construct - the keyword is new, but the
>>>>> idea itself is as old as programming - that I don't mind expecting new
>>>>> programmers to learn how to use it. The learning curve should be 
>>>>> incredibly
>>>>> short - it is nothing more than a filter operation.
>>>>> There's something else here that is really important to me, though I
>>>>> don't know how others feel about it.
>>>>> Using the guard...continue approach that you are promoting is a code
>>>>> smell. It puts control-flow logic inside the for-in loop. That is 
>>>>> something
>>>>> I have always tried to avoid. I know that the language allows for it, but 
>>>>> I
>>>>> believe it is bad programming practice. In fact, if you get rid of the
>>>>> `where` keyword, I'm still not going to use guard...continue. I'll just
>>>>> filter the collection first and then loop it.
>>>> This is quite the statement. It sounds like you'd be for the
>>>> elimination of `continue`?
>>>>> It is a code smell for the same reason that messing with the index
>>>>> inside a for;; loop was a code smell. I was always taught never to do 
>>>>> this:
>>>>> for var i = 0; i < array.count, i++ {
>>>>>   if iWantThisToLoopAnExtraTime {
>>>>>     i--
>>>>>   }
>>>>> }
>>>>> Why? Because code like that is confusing. It becomes difficult to know
>>>>> how many times the loop will execute, what the looping logic is, etc. 
>>>>> Sure,
>>>>> I might get away with it most of the time, but it is bad practice and 
>>>>> there
>>>>> is always a better way to do what you want to do. The only thing that 
>>>>> keeps
>>>>> you from the better way is laziness.
>>>>> The same is true (albeit to a lesser degree) for the guard...continue.
>>>>> It may not be as extreme, but it is still a code smell. It divides the
>>>>> control-flow logic into two parts - one outside the loop, and one inside
>>>>> the loop, and it suddenly becomes twice as easy to miss something.
>>>>> Using for-in-where, all of the control-flow logic is on one single
>>>>> line, and once it is known that "where" operates as a filter operation, it
>>>>> all works together in a single, harmonious statement that declares exactly
>>>>> what is going to happen in a way that is totally unambiguous.
>>>>> So by getting rid of the "where" clause, I believe that you are
>>>>> actually encouraging bad programming practice. Instead of encouraging the
>>>>> new user to learn this very simple construct that will ultimately make
>>>>> their code safer and more expressive without dividing their control-flow
>>>>> logic unnecessarily into two separate parts, you are encouraging them to
>>>>> just "do what they know". I think that is terrible, and you are doing them
>>>>> a disservice.
>>>>> And from a personal standpoint, you are telling me that I have to
>>>>> write smelly code, even though there is this perfectly good non-smelly
>>>>> option sitting right there, because you don't want someone else to have to
>>>>> learn something.
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 5:29 AM Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I think this discussion has made it pretty plain that what is claimed
>>>>>> to be 'so useful' is barely ever used. Moreover, it provides no 
>>>>>> independent
>>>>>> uses. The point of these pitches is to sound out arguments, not, as far 
>>>>>> as
>>>>>> I was aware, to take a vote.
>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 1:54 AM Jose Cheyo Jimenez <
>>>>>> ch...@masters3d.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> --1
>>>>>>> I think it would be a waste of the community's time to do a formal
>>>>>>> review when only two people are in favor of this removal.
>>>>>>> 'for in where' is so useful especially since we don't have for;;;
>>>>>>> loops anymore. I'd say leave this alone; the majority doesn't want this
>>>>>>> changed.
>>>>>>> On Jun 10, 2016, at 10:17 AM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution <
>>>>>>> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> I think this idea--if you don't like it, then you don't have to use
>>>>>>> it--is indicative of a key worry here: it's inessential to the language 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> promotes dialects wherein certain people use it and others wherein they
>>>>>>> don't. This is an anti-goal.
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 12:10 let var go <letva...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Leave it in!
>>>>>>>> It's a great little tool. I don't use it very often, but when I do
>>>>>>>> it is because I've decided that in the context of that piece of code it
>>>>>>>> does exactly what I want it to do with the maximum amount of clarity.
>>>>>>>> If you don't like it, then don't use it, but I can't see how it
>>>>>>>> detracts from the language at all.
>>>>>>>> The *only* argument that I have heard for removing it is that some
>>>>>>>> people don't immediately intuit how to use it. I didn't have any 
>>>>>>>> trouble
>>>>>>>> with it at all. It follows one of the most basic programming patterns 
>>>>>>>> ever:
>>>>>>>> "For all x in X, if predicate P is true, do something." The use of the
>>>>>>>> keyword "where" makes perfect sense in that context, and when I read 
>>>>>>>> it out
>>>>>>>> loud, it sounds natural: "For all x in X where P, do something." That 
>>>>>>>> is an
>>>>>>>> elegant, succinct, and clear way of stating exactly what I want my 
>>>>>>>> program
>>>>>>>> to do.
>>>>>>>> I don't doubt that it has caused some confusion for some people,
>>>>>>>> but I'm not sold that that is a good enough reason to get rid of it. It
>>>>>>>> seems strange to get rid of a tool because not everyone understands 
>>>>>>>> how to
>>>>>>>> use it immediately, without ever having to ask a single question. As 
>>>>>>>> long
>>>>>>>> as its not a dangerous tool (and it isn't), then keep it in the 
>>>>>>>> workshop
>>>>>>>> for those times when it comes in handy. And even if there is some 
>>>>>>>> initial
>>>>>>>> confusion, it doesn't sound like it lasted that long. It's more like, 
>>>>>>>> "Does
>>>>>>>> this work like X, or does this work like Y? Let's see...oh, it works 
>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>> X. Ok." That's the entire learning curve...about 5 seconds of curiosity
>>>>>>>> followed by the blissful feeling of resolution.
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 9:32 AM Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution <
>>>>>>>> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 11:23 AM, Sean Heber via swift-evolution <
>>>>>>>>> swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > And to follow-up to myself once again, I went to my "Cool 3rd
>>>>>>>>>> Party Swift Repos" folder and did the same search. Among the 15 
>>>>>>>>>> repos in
>>>>>>>>>> that folder, a joint search returned about 650 hits on for-in (again 
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>> some false positives) and not a single for-in-while use.
>>>>>>>>>> Weird. My own Swift projects (not on Github :P) use “where” all
>>>>>>>>>> the time with for loops. I really like it and think it reads *and* 
>>>>>>>>>> writes
>>>>>>>>>> far better as well as makes for nicer one-liners. In one project, by 
>>>>>>>>>> rough
>>>>>>>>>> count, I have about 20 that use “where” vs. 40 in that same project 
>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>> using “where”.
>>>>>>>>>> In another smaller test project, there are only 10 for loops, but
>>>>>>>>>> even so one still managed to use where.
>>>>>>>>>> Not a lot of data without looking at even more projects, I admit,
>>>>>>>>>> but this seems to suggest that the usage of “where” is going to be 
>>>>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>>>>> developer-dependent. Perhaps there’s some factor of prior background 
>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>> work here? (I’ve done a lot of SQL in another life, for example.)
>>>>>>>>> That is worrying if true, because it suggests that it's enabling
>>>>>>>>> 'dialects' of Swift, an explicit anti-goal of the language.
>>>>>>>>>> I feel like “where” is a more declarative construct and that we
>>>>>>>>>> should be encouraging that way of thinking in general. When using 
>>>>>>>>>> it, it
>>>>>>>>>> feels like “magic” for some reason - even though there’s nothing 
>>>>>>>>>> special
>>>>>>>>>> about it. It feels like I’ve made the language work *for me* a 
>>>>>>>>>> little bit
>>>>>>>>>> rather than me having to contort my solution to the will of the 
>>>>>>>>>> language.
>>>>>>>>>> This may be highly subjective.
>>>>>>>>>> l8r
>>>>>>>>>> Sean
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