> On 13 Jun 2016, at 13:28, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I think this discussion has made it pretty plain that what is claimed to be 
> 'so useful' is barely ever used. Moreover, it provides no independent uses. 
> The point of these pitches is to sound out arguments, not, as far as I was 
> aware, to take a vote.

I think that the discussion has made it clear that far more people want this 
feature to remain, and feel it is a valid part of the language, whether or not 
it’s a mainly aesthetic one, and that it should stay. Whether or not the 
discussion is intended as a vote is irrelevant, if more people want a feature 
to remain than want it removed then that suggests the justification for 
removing it had better be a really good one.

So far we have redundancy, which isn’t really sufficient reason to remove 
something, as we have plenty of redundant syntax for convenience. Take 
conditional binding for example, which is essentially just a shorthand for 
pattern matching. Functionally they’re identical, and there’s not much 
difference in complexity (you don’t have to learn the pattern matching aspect 
in order to use it for unwrapping optionals), so really it’s just a neat 
shorthand similar to where, and could be removed easily, yet people would fight 
against it just as furiously.

Otherwise the argument is against confusion/mistakes, but this alone isn’t a 
reason to remove a feature vs addressing why confusion is caused. Besides, the 
main argument for it being confusing comes from its use in both while and for 
loops, but if it’s being removed from while loops then this ceases to be an 
issue. As a result it would be premature to remove the feature as we don’t know 
yet if it’s still confusing when only permitted on for loops.

After that the other issue is whether filtering deserves a special case, but 
this is muddied by a lack of use largely resulting from lack of awareness. For 
us to get useful evidence either way would require this to put more widely 
known and to see if it continues to be used infrequently; I know about the 
keyword and use it in maybe 20% of my for loops (plus I actually rarely use 
while loops, and mainly in testing).
Besides which there is a proposal for a variant of where (while/until) which 
gives access to another fairly common variant of if/guard that developers may 
wish to replace, which would address a lack of versatility.

The benefit of the where clause is eliminating a line by putting the same 
condition on the opening loop, you may not consider this worthwhile but clearly 
plenty of people do, therefore I’d consider this justification enough for the 
feature to remain as we find it useful and prefer how our code looks with this 
shorthand. You remain free as ever to not use it.
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