> On 2016. Jul 9., at 22:55, Goffredo Marocchi <pana...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why have they not "fixed" this issue with Java 6/7/8 if it is bad to have the 
> current setup by default? Why C++ x09/x11/x14 is also not making everything 
> sealed/unsubclassable by default?

I'd wager a guess that the strong desire not to break source compatibility with 
existing code explains why Java and C++ are stuck forever with suboptimal 
defaults. Some members of this list have a bit of background in C++ language 
design (understatement of the day!); perhaps they know more.

> Is it possible that having library authors use something like a sealed 
> keyword or similar is good enough for the default case?

Swift is to be safe by default. I believe open subclassability is a power tool 
that's unsafe without adequate training and thick protective gear; therefore, 
it is useful to require posting yellow/black hazard signs when it is in use. 
Safety first.

"Opting for safety sometimes means Swift will feel strict, but we believe that 
clarity saves time in the long run."

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