> On Jul 11, 2016, at 1:49 PM, Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 11:10 AM, Jordan Rose <jordan_r...@apple.com 
> <mailto:jordan_r...@apple.com>> wrote:
>> P.S. There’s also an argument to be made for public-but-not-conformable 
>> protocols, i.e. protocols that can be used in generics and as values outside 
>> of a module, but cannot be conformed to. This is important for many of the 
>> same reasons as it is for classes, and we’ve gotten a few requests for it. 
>> (While you can get a similar effect using an enum, that’s a little less 
>> natural for code reuse via protocol extensions.)
>> Would public-but-not-conformable protocols by default be the next step, 
>> then, in Swift's evolution?
> I personally think it’s a reasonable place to go next, which is why I brought 
> it up. However, I don’t think it’s critical enough to get into Swift 3 when 
> we’re already so busy, and when there are multiple non-source-breaking ways 
> to get a similar effect later: adding a “sealed” annotation (so, giving up on 
> “by default” for protocols) and allowing requirements to have more narrow 
> access than the protocol (thus making it impossible to conform).
> FWIW, if we give up on "by default" for classes, "sealed" could also be a 
> post-Swift 3 matter here as well. IMO, if the core team finds the reasoning 
> here persuasive enough to have sealed-by-default for classes, I'd hope for 
> the same treatment for protocols on that time frame, because as you say much 
> of the rationale behind the change is analogous for both protocols and 
> classes.

On the topic of protocols, there are really two avenues for “sealing”’ them.  
One is conformances and the other is refinements.  There are more nuances to 
consider in a design for sealing protocols.

If we’re going to continue discussing sealing protocols we should probably 
start a new thread.  However, I think we should wait unless someone from the 
core team decides it is worth discussing during the Swift 3 timeframe.

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