> On 12 Dec 2016, at 07:23, Benjamin Spratling via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> -Ben
> Sent from my iPhone.
>> On Dec 11, 2016, at 11:43 PM, Brian Gesiak <modoca...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Maybe your goal is to ensure that other programmers don't accidentally 
>> change the accessibility levels. Again, I think because they're 
>> straightforward, I don't think there's much danger there.
>> To me, tests for accessibility would be redundant. It would be like adding a 
>> test to verify that my struct 'Foo' has a member named 'bar'. If I ever 
>> decided to rename 'Foo.bar', I would have to update the test. But I would 
>> never "accidentally" rename 'Foo.bar' -- if I changed the name, it's because 
>> I modified the code for that purpose. A test adds overhead, but no benefit.
>> I feel the same about the 'mutating', 'weak', 'unowned', and 'final'.
>> It's definitely subjective, though. You might feel that the tests I describe 
>> above are valuable, and you're entitled to that opinion.
> I have been in some situations recently in which encapsulation was 
> untestable, and on a team with >10 developers and no automated test to catch 
> that change, there were issues.  In the end we shipped knowing there was a 
> bug, because 15 weeks of work had been based on it, and it would have 
> required a redesign to fix.
> If I need a test that there is a property named 'bar', I can write a test 
> which accesses the member, and even specify a required type and explicitly 
> test whether the property does or does not conform to the protocol.  Even if 
> it's private, I can use a Mirror to extract its value.
> My motivation is: I got tired of hearing "if you did it right, it would have 
> worked", which I now view as an excuse for lack of good design (in most 
> cases).  For the past several months, I have been investigating design 
> patterns which prevent developers from making common mistakes,

That is a very elusive goal.
The best way to do this is through hiring competent people…
One of the quotes I like in this regard: a monkey with a tool is still a monkey…

But I know, we all have to work with the hand we are dealt with. Nevertheless 
it is easy to sink a lot of work in this subject with little to show for it. 
People will make mistakes, no matter how good the tool. I have often felt that 
we need a certain balance, i.e. the tool should hurt you when making a mistake, 
but then it should not hurt so much that you die. That spurs good practises by 
the programmer who otherwise might become complacent. I know I get complacent 
with some Swift/Xcode features… and I hate it when I do, but I still do it…

Btw I have a lot of Ada experience. I love that language. It does way more in 
enforcing a proper design and catching programmers misttakes. However it never 
has gotten much traction for general applications. I blame that on the 
invisibility of avoided error’s…

Just rambling, no real point here… well, maybe one: don’t aim for perfection, 
but make sure it hurts when perfection is not achieved.

That way we will get paid for experience… :-o)


> and how to write tests to catch changes to those patterns.  I can't even 
> count the number of unfathomable bugs I've fixed merely by improving the 
> design.  Swift is notable in that its compiler can enforce many of these 
> patterns, so I prefer it over Obj-C.  Proper encapsulation is one such 
> technique, and it turns out it's untestable.
> Thanks for your suggestion about researching how other languages do this.  
> I'll see what I can do, though the only experience I have in any of the ones 
> you mentioned is pre-11 C++, so if anyone else knows how such checks are 
> done, I'd greatly appreciate hearing from you.
> -Ben
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