> On Jan 8, 2017, at 06:53, Karim Nassar via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> One area of enums that I’d love to see some sugar wrapped around (and perhaps 
> this has already been discussed previously?) is extracting associated values.
> There are many times where, given an enum like:
> enum Feedback {
>       case ok
>       case info(String)
>       case warning(String, Location)
>       case error(String, Location)
> }
> I’d love it if we could tag the associated values with some semantic 
> accessor, perhaps borrowed from tuples:
> enum Feedback {
>       case ok
>       case info(msg: String)
>       case warning(msg: String, loc: Location)
>       case error(msg: String, loc: Location)
> }
> then:
> let foo = self.getSomeFeedback() // -> Feedback
> if let msg = foo.msg { // since not all cases can hold a ‘msg’ .msg is an 
> Optional
>       print(foo)
> }

Can't remember if it's come up before, but +1. I can't count how many times 
I've written something like:
enum Foo : CustomStringConvertible {
    case c1(T1)
    case c2(T2)
    case cN(TN)

    var description: String {
        switch self {
            case .c1(let val): return "\(val)"
            case .c2(let val): return "\(val)"
            case .cN(let val): return "\(val)"

Being able to simplify that to:
var description: String {
    let nilDesc = "some appropriate description"
    return "\(self.0 ?? nilDesc)"

Would be great.

- Dave Sweeris 
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