It seems like my original (simplified) examples didn't clearly highlight what 
the problem I'm focused on solving.

Enums get large, and they get complicated because the code for each case gets 
sliced up and scattered across many functions. It becomes a "one of these 
things is not like the other" situation because writing functions inside enums 
is unlike writing functions in any other part of Swift code.

Also, to be clear, my goal is _not_ code brevity. It is coherence, the property 
where related code is located together. Some increase in code verbosity is 
acceptable to make code more coherent, since that leads to long-term 

I've pulled out a few of the larger enums I've seen in code to try to 
illustrate this. Along the way, I've made a few alterations based on the 
comments I've seen come through. (Rien & Robert: I've pushed the definitions 
inside the declaration, to ensure they don't end up in other files since that 
was never my intention; Rien & Daniel: I've altered the syntax to open a brace 
right after the case declaration making everything outside it the default, and 
I like that better).

Here's an enum used to consolidate the descriptions of UI elements for a 
screen, allowing the datasource to alter their order, presentation, and 
visibility while keeping the set of possible fields clean and finite. These 
enum values are used much like singletons.

enum OneOnOneField: Int {
    case agenda
    case summary
    case date
    case notes

    struct Info {
        var title: String
        var placeholder: String
        var image: UIImage

    var info: Info {
        switch self {
        case .agenda:
            return Info(
                title: NSLocalizedString("Agenda", comment: "One on one field 
                placeholder: NSLocalizedString("Add an agenda", comment: "One 
on one field placeholder"),
                image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Agenda-Small"))
        case .summary:
            return Info(
                title: NSLocalizedString("Summary", comment: "One on one field 
                placeholder: NSLocalizedString("Add a summary", comment: "One 
on one field placeholder"),
                image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Summary-Small"))
        case .date:
            return Info(title: "", placeholder: "", image: UIImage())
        case .notes:
            return Info(title: NSLocalizedString("Personal Notes", comment: 
"Title for personal notes screen"), placeholder: "", image: UIImage())
Consolidating them could instead look something like this:

enum OneOnOneField: Int {

    var title: String { return "" }
    var placeholder: String { return "" }
    var image: UIImage { return UIImage() }

    case agenda {
        var title: String { return NSLocalizedString("Agenda", comment: "One on 
one field header") }
        var placeholder: String { return NSLocalizedString("Add an agenda", 
comment: "One on one field placeholder") }
        var image: UIImage { return #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Agenda-Small") 

    case summary {
        var title: String { return NSLocalizedString("Summary", comment: "One 
on one field header") }
        var placeholder: String { return NSLocalizedString("Add a summary", 
comment: "One on one field placeholder") }
        var image: UIImage { return #imageLiteral(resourceName: 
"Summary-Small") }

    case date

    case notes {
        var title: String { return NSLocalizedString("Personal Notes", comment: 
"Title for personal notes screen") }

Here's an enum that implements the basics of a state machine for OAuth 2 token 
use, refreshing, and login. Some of its cases have associated values and some 

enum TokenState: State {

    case loading
    case none
    case expired(Date)
    case untested(token: String)
    case validated(token: String)

    var description: String {
        switch self {
        case .loading:
            return "Loading token from disk"
        case .none:
            return "No token found"
        case let .expired(at):
            return "Expired at \(at)"
        case let .untested(token):
            return "Received token \(token), but it hasn't been tested."
        case let .validated(token):
            return "Token \(token) has been validated."

    mutating func react(to event: Event) {
        switch self {
        case .loading:
            switch event {
            case _ as TokenNotFound:
                self = .none
            case let expired as TokenExpired:
                self = .expired(
            case let loaded as TokenLoaded:
                self = .untested(token: loaded.token)
        case .none:
            switch event {
            case let loggedIn as UserLoggedIn:
                self = .untested(token: loggedIn.token)
        case .expired:
            switch event {
            case let refreshed as TokenRefreshed:
                self = .untested(token: refreshed.token)
            case _ as TokenRefreshErrored:
                self = .none
        case let .untested(token):
            switch event {
            case _ as UserLoaded:
                self = .validated(token: token)
            case _ as TokenRejected:
                self = .expired(at: Date())
        case .validated:
            switch event {
            case _ as TokenRejected:
                self = .expired(Date())
            case _ as UserLoggedOut:
                self = .none

    static var initialState: TokenState {
        return .loading

After consolidation, this becomes:

enum TokenState: State {

    static var initialState: TokenState {
        return .loading

    case loading {
        var description: String {
            return "Loading token from disk"

        mutating func react(to event: Event) {
            switch event {
            case _ as TokenNotFound:
                self = .none
            case let expired as TokenExpired:
                self = .expired(at:
            case let loaded as TokenLoaded:
                self = .untested(token: loaded.token)

    case none {
        var description: String {
            return "No token found"

        mutating func react(to event: Event) {
            switch event {
            case let loggedIn as UserLoggedIn:
                self = .untested(token: loggedIn.token)

    case expired(at: Date) {
        var description: String {
            return "Expired at \(at)"

        mutating func react(to event: Event) {
            switch event {
            case let refreshed as TokenRefreshed:
                self = .untested(token: refreshed.token)
            case _ as TokenRefreshErrored:
                self = .none

    case untested(token: String) {
        var description: String {
            return "Received token \(token), but it hasn't been tested."

        mutating func react(to event: Event) {
            switch event {
            case _ as UserLoaded:
                self = .validated(token: token)
            case _ as TokenRejected:
                self = .expired(at: Date())

    case validated(token: String) {
        var description: String {
            return "Token \(token) has been validated."

        mutating func react(to event: Event) {
            switch event {
            case _ as TokenRejected:
                self = .expired(at: Date())
            case _ as UserLoggedOut:
                self = .none


> On Jan 8, 2017, at 12:22 PM, Derrick Ho via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
> Currently we can write a helper method to aid in getting the values inside 
> the enum associated value.  Below is a fully working implementation:
> ```
> enum Package {
>       case box(String, Int)
>       case circular(String)
>       var associated: Associated {
>               return Associated(package: self)
>       }
>       struct Associated {
>               let box: (String, Int)?
>               let circular: (String)?
>               init(package: Package) {
>                       switch package {
>                       case .box(let b):
>                               box = b
>                               circular = nil
>                       case .circular(let b):
>                               box = nil
>                               circular = b
>                       }
>               }
>       }
> }
> let b ="square", 5)
> // Optional("square")
> // Optional(5)
> b.associated.circular // nil
> let c = Package.circular("round")
> // nil
> // nil
> c.associated.circular // Optional("round")
> ```
> I had to wedge in a special type called "Associated" and had to write some 
> boiler-plate code to get this effect.  It is quite predictable and can 
> probably be done under the hood.  I would of course prefer syntactic sugar to 
> simplify it and turn
> ```
> ```
> into 
> ```
> ```
> On Sun, Jan 8, 2017 at 1:05 PM David Sweeris via swift-evolution 
> < <>> wrote:
> On Jan 8, 2017, at 06:53, Karim Nassar via swift-evolution 
> < <>> wrote:
>> One area of enums that I’d love to see some sugar wrapped around (and 
>> perhaps this has already been discussed previously?) is extracting 
>> associated values.
>> There are many times where, given an enum like:
>> enum Feedback {
>>      case ok
>>      case info(String)
>>      case warning(String, Location)
>>      case error(String, Location)
>> }
>> I’d love it if we could tag the associated values with some semantic 
>> accessor, perhaps borrowed from tuples:
>> enum Feedback {
>>      case ok
>>      case info(msg: String)
>>      case warning(msg: String, loc: Location)
>>      case error(msg: String, loc: Location)
>> }
>> then:
>> let foo = self.getSomeFeedback() // -> Feedback
>> if let msg = foo.msg { // since not all cases can hold a ‘msg’ .msg is an 
>> Optional
>>      print(foo)
>> }
> Can't remember if it's come up before, but +1. I can't count how many times 
> I've written something like:
> enum Foo : CustomStringConvertible {
>     case c1(T1)
>     case c2(T2)
>     ...
>     case cN(TN)
>     var description: String {
>         switch self {
>             case .c1(let val): return "\(val)"
>             case .c2(let val): return "\(val)"
>             ...
>             case .cN(let val): return "\(val)"
>         }
>     }
> }
> Being able to simplify that to:
> var description: String {
>     let nilDesc = "some appropriate description"
>     return "\(self.0 ?? nilDesc)"
> }
> Would be great.
> - Dave Sweeris 
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