> On Feb 15, 2017, at 10:52 AM, Tony Parker <anthony.par...@apple.com> wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> Have you happened to file a radar for Foundation that I can look up (for both 
> this and process)?
> We are working hard on making sure that our API is right for Swift, and areas 
> like this where we can make fairly trivial improvements are things that we 
> can try to prioritize. As you say, the purpose of swift-corelibs-foundation 
> is to present a unified API and prevent the need to fork. That means the best 
> possible solution is to improve the API in Objective-C (where 
> exceptions-as-control flow is wrong too) first, and then naturally flow that 
> into Swift.
> Thanks,
> - Tony

Honestly? I don’t remember. I feel like I would have sometime around 2005 or 
2006 or so, since that’s probably about when this first started bothering me, 
but it’s been a decade, so my memory is hazy. I do know that in the meantime, 
“considered harmful”-type articles have been written about these classes, like 
this one from eight years ago:


If you think it will actually prompt someone to change this, I’d be happy to 
write up a new one, although I figure it would almost certainly just get 
flagged as a duplicate.


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