> On Feb 15, 2017, at 3:11 PM, Itai Ferber <ifer...@apple.com> wrote:
> FYI, Tony is the manager of the Foundation team. :)
> We care very much about making sure that the experience of using our 
> framework is a positive one — the more Radars we get, the better we can 
> prioritize improving APIs that are not working as well as they could be for 
> our users. Even if the Radar gets duped to an existing one, thats one more +1 
> for that Radar saying "this is a problem".
Yeah I know, but it’s a frustrating experience, spending a half hour writing a 
detailed bug report (sometimes with videos attached to demonstrate the issue), 
just to effectively do the same thing as spending 5 seconds to hit the +1 
button on most issue trackers you come across.

Especially since you never find out what happened to the original bug report. 
You can see if it’s open or closed, but did they fix it in some internal build? 
Did they decide it “behaves correctly?” Did somebody just skim your report, and 
mistakenly attach it to some other, unrelated issue? There’s no way to know.
> I will search for your old Radar, but in any case, please do file a new one 
> about this, and about any other issues you have, because we are indeed 
> listening.

I was pretty sure I'd submitted something way, way back in the misty days of 
yore, but I can’t find it. I’ve filed a couple of new ones: rdar://30543037 
<rdar://30543037> and rdar://30543133 <rdar://30543133>.


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