> On Feb 16, 2017, at 3:18 PM, T.J. Usiyan via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> I am ok with a keyword but `pure` in front of func doesn't work well with 
> inline closures.

The `=>` function arrow syntax is a clever way to avoid making pure functions 
heaver syntactically than impure functions.  That said, I don’t think it will 
stand out very clearly when reading code and is likely to be confusing for new 
programmers who don’t understand purity or why you would sometimes want it and 
other times that it won’t be possible.  

Also, what about pure closures that have no need to state a signature because 
it is inferred?  This syntactic sugar is a pretty important aspect of Swift and 
often times some of our smallest closures will be pure.  For example Array’s 
map should be pure when the closure is pure and many map closures are very 
small.  We don’t want to have to annotate these closures with a signature.  

Could we allow inference of purity for closures when they are used in a context 
which accepts a pure function?  If we had an annotation similar to `rethrows` 
maybe inference could prefer purity, but fall back to an impure semantic for 
`map` (or other methods using the annotation) when the closure isn’t pure.  
Come to think of it, using `->` vs `=>` to make the distinction kind of falls 
apart when the purity of a function is conditional depending on the purity of 
its arguments.  Have you thought about how to handle this?

Overall, I *really* want to see pure functions in Swift and would be very 
excited to see them make it into Swift 4.  That said, I’m on the fence about 
the syntax you have proposed.

> A few people talked through many of these issues starting with this tweet. 
> https://twitter.com/griotspeak/status/832247545325842432 
> <https://twitter.com/griotspeak/status/832247545325842432>
> On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 4:13 PM, Jonathan Hull <jh...@gbis.com 
> <mailto:jh...@gbis.com>> wrote:
> +1 for the idea of pure functions in swift.  Seems like it would enable a lot 
> of good optimizations (in some cases even just evaluating the function at 
> compile time).
> -1 on the specific notation.  I would much rather just put the word ‘pure’ in 
> front of ‘func’, the same way we put ‘mutating' in front of mutating 
> functions… it seems to me like these are part of the same family.
> I agree we should allow inout.
> Thanks,
> Jon
>> On Feb 16, 2017, at 9:03 AM, T.J. Usiyan via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> # Pure Functions
>> * Proposal: 
>> [SE-NNNN](https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/NNNN-name.md
>> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/NNNN-name.md>)
>> * Author(s): [TJ Usiyan](https://github.com/griotspeak 
>> <https://github.com/griotspeak>)
>> * Status: **Awaiting review**
>> * Review manager: TBD
>> ## Introduction
>> Some functions are, essentially, only meant to be transformations of their 
>> input and–as such–do not and should not reference any variables other than 
>> those passed in. These same functions are not meant to have any effects 
>> other than the aforementioned transformation of input. Currently, Swift 
>> cannot assist the developer and confirm that any given function is one of 
>> these 'pure' functions. To facilitate this, this proposal adds syntax to 
>> signal that a function is 'pure'.
>> 'pure', in this context, means:
>> 1. The function must have a return value
>> 1. This function can only call other pure functions
>> 1. This function cannot access/modify global or static variables.
>> ## Motivation
>> Consider the following example where `_computeNullability(of:)` is meant to 
>> create its output solely based on the provided recognizer.
>> ```
>> class Recognizer {
>>      var nullabilityMemo: Bool?
>>      var isNullable: Bool {
>>              func _computeNullability(of recognizer: Recognizer) -> Bool {…}
>>              if let back = nullabilityMemo {
>>                      return back             
>>              } else {
>>                      let back =  _computeNullability(of: self)
>>                      nullabilityMemo = back
>>                      return back
>>              }
>>      }
>> }
>> ```
>> if `_computeNullability(of:)` is recursive at all, there exists a real 
>> potential to accidentally reference `self` in its body and the mistake, 
>> depending on circumstance, can be terribly subtle. Converting 
>> `_computeNullability(of:)` to a `static` function is an option but 
>> obfuscates the fact that it is *only* to be called within `isNullable`.
>> ## Proposed solution
>> Given the ability to indicate that `_computeNullability(of:)` is a 'pure' 
>> function, the developer gains assurance from the tooling that it doesn't 
>> reference anything or cause any side effects.
>> ```
>> class Recognizer {
>>      var nullabilityMemo: Bool?
>>      var isNullable: Bool {
>>              pfunc _computeNullability(of recognizer: Recognizer) -> Bool {…}
>>              if let back = nullabilityMemo {
>>                      return back             
>>              } else {
>>                      let back =  _computeNullability(of: self)
>>                      nullabilityMemo = back
>>                      return back
>>              }
>>      }
>> }
>> ```
>> ## Detailed design
>> This proposal introduces a new annotation `=>`, which is to be accepted 
>> everywhere `->` currently is. Members created using this kewyord must follow 
>> the rules listed in the introduction.
>> ## Impact on existing code
>> This is an additive feature unless alternative 2 is chosen and, as such, 
>> should not require an effect on existing code. It could be used to annotate 
>> closures accepted by methods in the standard library such as `map`, 
>> `filter`, and `reduce`. While this would fit well with their typical use, 
>> such a change is not necessarily part of this proposal.
>> ## Alternatives considered
>> It should be noted that neither of these alternatives can remain consistent 
>> for inline closures.
>> 1. keyword `pfunc` (pronounciation: pifəŋk) for 'pure' functions. 
>> 2. `proc` keyword for 'impure' functions and 'func' for 'pure' functions. 
>> This would be a massively source breaking change and, as such, is unlikely 
>> to have any feasibility. It is, however, the most clean semantically, in my 
>> opinion.
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