My suggestion is that -> would be the conditional arrow that can be both pure 
or impure. That would make @pure func foo(_ f: @pure (Int) -> Int) -> Int 
equivalent to func foo(_ f: (Int) ~> Int) -> Int. Plus depending on the 
implementation the compiler might be able to help and tell you that foo could 
use ~> instead.

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 17. Februar 2017 um 19:25:41, Anton Zhilin ( schrieb:

Just let

@pure func foo(_ f: (Int) -> Int) -> Int
be the same as those two combined:

@pure func foo(_ f: @pure (Int) -> Int) -> Int
func foo(_ f: (Int) -> Int) -> Int
No need for anything like “re-pure” or  

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