Still not what I was asking about.

Module A contains a single open protocol: open protocol P { func foo() }
Module B contains a single open class that conforms to P:
open class B : P {
    /* what is the default access modifier here? */ func foo()

Adrian Zubarev
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Am 19. Februar 2017 um 17:35:04, Matthew Johnson ( 

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 19, 2017, at 10:28 AM, Adrian Zubarev <> 

I really feel I’m blind, I cannot find it. Is the access modifier of open 
protocol *members* on open/public classes public by default, or open?

If open, can we downgrade it to public in an open class?

I didn't specifically address members of open classes but did address open 
classes.  This proposal does not have any impact of the visibility of members 
of open classes that conform to a public (nonopen) protocol, including the 

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 19. Februar 2017 um 17:16:59, Matthew Johnson ( 

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 19, 2017, at 10:11 AM, Adrian Zubarev <> 

@Matthew: Have you considered what happens with the access modifier of an open 
protocol when an open/public class conforms to it?

Yes I covered this in the detailed design section of the proposal.
 // Module A
open protocol A {
    func foo()

// Module B
open class B : A {
    (open or public) func foo() {}
    // If `open`, can we downgrade to `public`?
    // The other way around seems straightforward    
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