> On Feb 21, 2017, at 1:15 PM, Patrick Pijnappel <patrickpijnap...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> I've followed this for a long time and work a lot with number/big num related 
> code, and I must say I'm really excited about the way this is turning out!
> Popcount & leadingZeroBits
> - Placement: What's the rationale behind placing popcount & clz on fixed 
> width integer instead of BinaryInteger? It seems implementing these would be 
> trivial also for BigInt types.
Arbitrary sized signed -1 can have different popcount depending on the 
underlying buffer length (if there is a buffer) even if it’s the same type and 
the same value. Same with leading zeros, as the underlying representation is 
unbounded on the more significant side.

> - Naming: Why does popcount retain the term of art? Considering it's 
> relatively obscure it would seem numberOfOneBits or something along those 
> lines would be a more consistent choice.
The thinking was something like: people who know it, know it by this name and 
will be a little annoyed, people who don’t know what it is, and simply want 
their stack overflow snippet to work, will not be able to identify it under any 
other name. So a non-term-of-art name would not really benefit anyone, other 
than our naming guidelines.

> Also, arguably shouldn't it be numberOfLeadingZeroBits?
There is countLeadingZeroBits for that.

> I'm very happy with the inclusion of exposing these instructions btw, I've 
> run into them lacking more than once before!
What would you say about popcount being a protocol requirement? If you’ve 
needed it, was it in the generic context or on concrete types?
> FullWidth & ReportingOverflow
> That's pretty clever there with the trailing argument :). Do you know whether 
> there is any technical reason why we couldn't support a trailing 'argument 
> label' without actual argument directly in the language? If not I might want 
> to write up a proposal for that because if run into wanting this for a longer 
> time. E.g. delegate methods would be a very common case: 
> tableView(_:numberOfSections) is a lot more consistent with all other 
> delegate methods.
Joe recently sent an email on behalf of Dave to start this very discussion.

> Division on Number?
> The intro of the proposal puts division under Number, while the detailed 
> design puts it under BinaryInteger, which is it?
It is one of the most recent changes, division is *not* in the Number. It was 
moved down the hierarchy to BinaryInteger. I’ll fix the proposal. Thanks!


> On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 7:39 AM, Max Moiseev via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> On Feb 18, 2017, at 12:02 PM, Karl Wagner via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> I assume the “SignedNumber” protocol is the same as the existing one in the 
>> standard library. That is to say, Strideable.Stride will now conform to 
>> Number and have operators.
> SignedNumber will *not* be the same. It is just the same name.
> Stride will have operators, yes. Strideable in general will not, unless it’s 
> a _Pointer. (you can find the current implementation prototype here 
> <https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/new-integer-protocols/stdlib/public/core/Stride.swift.gyb>).
>> Also minor nitpick, would it be too onerous to require Number.Magnitude to 
>> be Comparable? Currently it’s only Equatable and ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral.
> Magnitude is supposed to conform to Arithmetic (or Number, or whatever it 
> ends up being called), but the recursive constraints feature is missing, 
> therefore we constrained it with the protocols that Arithmetic itself refines.
> Why would you want Comparable?
> Max
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