> On Mar 11, 2017, at 1:17 PM, Jaden Geller via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> On Mar 11, 2017, at 12:20 PM, David Sweeris via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> On Mar 11, 2017, at 12:57 AM, Jean-Daniel via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> -1
>>> It would be inconsistent to allow it for deterministic literals (String) 
>>> and not for non deterministic literal (int which can be either a Int, Uint, 
>>> Float, …)
>> If I’m not mistaken, even with `bar = “baz”`, `String` is merely the default 
>> inferred type. It could be anything that conforms to 
>> `ExpressibleByStringLiteral`, right? In that regard, this is kinda just a 
>> way to make a function implicitly generic:
>> func foo(bar = "baz") {…}
>> becomes:
>> func foo<T: ExpressibleByStringLiteral>(bar: T = "baz") {…}
> As I understood it, omitting the type would work identically to `let` 
> declarations. A string literal without a type defaults to `String`. Treating 
> it as a generic function is a bad idea IMO.

More specifically, a string literal without a type defaults to the 
StringLiteralType typealias:

typealias StringLiteralType = StaticString
let s = "abc"
print(type(of: s))
// prints StaticString

> I don't think this sugar is worth any amount of added complexity. Most 
> function arguments will have not have default values and this have to 
> continue to declare the type, so this would only be more concise in very few 
> cases. I'd prefer the consistency of always having to explicitly declare the 
> argument type at a function boundary.
> To call a function, you need to know what type to pass in. This becomes more 
> difficult when not make explicit, particularly when a more complicated 
> expression is used as a default. -1
>> Is there anything we can do with a variable, if all we know of it is that it 
>> conforms to `ExpressibleByStringLiteral`? I can’t think of anything… If we 
>> had a way to get back the literal string which the variable was initialized 
>> with, we could initialize other values with that, but the protocol doesn’t 
>> require us to store it. Come to think of it, is there even a way to store a 
>> literal value in its “untyped” form? You can declare a variable to of type 
>> `IntegerLiteralType`, but the type system then treats it as an `Int`.
>> So while it looks nice (to me, anyway) I’m not sure you could actually do 
>> anything with it. Or am I looking at this wrong?
>> - Dave Sweeris
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