> On Mar 30, 2017, at 6:54 AM, Haravikk via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>> On 30 Mar 2017, at 14:12, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> On 30 Mar 2017, at 01:13, Michael J LeHew Jr via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>>> I'm not a fan of the new syntax for creating key paths. To me, it feels 
>>> like they've been demoted to second class citizens of the language simply 
>>> because of how more verbose it now is. The new syntax is also too 
>>> confusingly similar to string key paths: I had to look closely at the code 
>>> to see the difference. Is there no symbol we can use to make it ambiguous? 
>>> Ideas:
>>> Person::friend.lastName
>>> Person/friend.lastName
>>> Person#friend.lastName
>>> I'm a fan of the first one as it has similarities to names pacing in C++.
>> I'm a big fan of the last one.  I argued for it earlier as the best syntax 
>> to use if we deviated from the initial proposal.  I like it for several 
>> reasons:
>> - # suggests compiler magic is at work which is the case here.
>> - #friend.lastName works nicely as a shorthand in contexts expecting a key 
>> path with a fixed Root
>> - # would work for unbound methods solving the no arguments case.  IMO all 
>> unbound members should be accessed using the same syntax.
>> - # enables the possibility of mixing property access and method calls in 
>> the path as a future enhancement
>> The arguments supporting this approach are pretty strong to me.  I agree 
>> with David that the #keyPath syntax makes it feel more like a second class 
>> citizen, not just because of the verbosity but also because it is directly 
>> borrowed from an Objective-C interop feature.  This is a very powerful 
>> feature that deserves to be a first class syntactic citizen every bit as 
>> much as unbound methods do.
> Personally I'd prefer the use of a leading dollar sign for this, for example:
>       $Person.friend.lastName
> I find a symbol midway through the path a bit strange, plus the leading 
> dollar sign already implies compiler magic in the same way as anonymous 
> parameters in closures. In fact you can think of anonymous parameters as a 
> kind of special key-path of sorts, and there should be no ambiguity.
> I prefer this to the hash symbol for compiler directives, since those feel 
> more like things that are done once during compilation, rather than something 
> you actually use at run-time, so I like the distinction of another symbol for 
> that.

$ is reserved for the debugger. We don't really have many free symbols to burn, 
and it would be unwise to burn one on a new feature before having evidence that 
it deserves it.


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