What I was trying to say is that by automatically adding a new line character 
does not provide any benefit except of being lazy to type \n.

// In your model this would be equivalent
let s1 = "\n\n\n"
let s2 = """
    " // However in my model this is an empty string and should be banned
    """ // That's also an empty string, but it that case it indicates the end 
of the multi lined string
I dislike the tradeoff of precision for laziness.

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 3. April 2017 um 16:29:44, Ricardo Parada (rpar...@mac.com) schrieb:

By the way, the multi-line string should allow \n\n, or as many as you may want 
to throw in there.  I don't see a problem with that.

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