No offense taken. 

There's no inherent problem with designing language with available tools in 
mind. After all, what we put in the language is a strict subset of what's 
viable in a compiler. 

IMHO Swift should care more about separation of language and tools due to its 
long-term ambition: is it a good language out side of the most typical 
experience? If I edit the source with my favorite editor, on Linux, and/or 
compile with an alternative compiler, can I get a similar experience ?

A language that conquers the world shouldn't depend on tools to be awesome.

Daniel Duan
Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 10, 2017, at 10:22 AM, Sean Heber <> wrote:
>> On Apr 10, 2017, at 11:38 AM, Daniel Duan <> wrote:
>> Using tools isn't a bad thing. Designing language assuming users are using 
>> tools with certain capability is kind of a bad thing.
> I see this sentiment on this list a lot. Where does it come from? Is there 
> any supporting research? What drives it?
> (I don’t mean to pick on Daniel - I’m curious about this overall from anyone 
> that has sources. It has become such a prevailing refrain at times that I 
> think it’d be best for everyone if we knew if it was even true!)
> l8r
> Sean

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