> Am 15.04.2017 um 17:33 schrieb Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi...@gmail.com>:
> I think you misunderstand how access modifiers currently work with 
> extensions. It is not permitted to use an access modifier inside an extension 
> that is higher than that of the extension itself.

class Check {}

fileprivate extension Check {
        public func px() {
                print("It compiles!")


This code executes without complains — but your example is right, it fails if 
the extension is marked private… wtf? Access modifiers aren't even mentioned in 

It really seems to me that the current extension-model is somewhat broken; do 
you have a link to documentation of access levels for extensions?

> ```
> private struct S {
>   private extension {
>     func f() { } // what is the access level of `f`?
>   }
> }
> ```
> If `f` is private, then it is invisible outside the extension. But `f` cannot 
> be `fileprivate`, because `fileprivate` is more visible than the private 
> extension and is therefore not allowed.

I'd simply say f is private and only visible inside the extension…

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