> On Mar 20, 2017, at 11:39 AM, Jon Shier via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
>       So when is this transition happening? The sooner the better, as Mail 
> can’t really handle threads with large messages, like the recent evolution 
> threads about Foundation serialization and decoding. It just stops rendering 
> messages.

Huh, I figured I was the only one that happened to since the Radar I opened on 
that actually didn’t get marked as a duplicate (rdar://31137438 
<rdar://31137438>). For me, it was worse than you describe; once I clicked on 
that thread, Mail would stop rendering messages from *any* thread, not just 
that one, and basically became non-functional until I quit the app and 
restarted it. The thread was quite the land mine, and I will admit to 
occasionally using some… colorful language after accidentally clicking on it.


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