The new smart key path feature is really lovely, and feels like a great 
addition to Swift.

It seems like it might be straightforward to add overloads of `map` and 
`flatMap` to the standard library to make use of the new functionality:

        let managers = flatOrganisation.managers
        let allEmployees = Set(managers.flatMap(\.directReports))
        let employeeNames = Set(\.name))

This feels like a really natural way of working with key paths in a functional 
style. It makes a lot of sense for collections, and possibly for Optional too 
(although as far as I can see optional chaining is more or less equivalent, and 
with more compact syntax).

I’m hoping that this might be low-hanging fruit that could be considered for 
the Swift 4 release. I’d be happy to have a go at writing a proposal if there’s 


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