> On 10. Jun 2017, at 01:42, Karl Wagner <razie...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 8. Jun 2017, at 04:58, Tony Allevato via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> +1, I really like this. It would also align nicely with the method type 
>> flattening in SE-0042 
>> <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0042-flatten-method-types.md>
>>  (once it gets implemented), because passing keypaths (i.e., unbound 
>> property references) and unbound parameterless method references to 
>> map/flatMap would look nearly the same:
>> ```
>> struct Person {
>>   let firstName: String
>>   let lastName: String
>>   func fullName() -> String { return "\(firstName) \(lastName)" }
>> }
>> let people: [Person]
>> let firstNames = people.map(\.firstName)
>> let fullNames = people.map(Person.fullName)  // because after SE-0042, this 
>> will be (Person) -> String, not (Person) -> () -> String
>> ```
>> Especially if there's a move in the future to also use \. to denote unbound 
>> methods references, which was discussed during the keypath reviews. (Even 
>> with that, I believe it would be more work though to get rid of the explicit 
>> type name in the function case.)
> When it comes to unbound method references, personally, I would love to see 
> us ditch currying in some future version of Swift and move to full-blown 
> partial application instead. We would need variadic generics if we wanted to 
> expose them as nicely-typed objects as we do with KeyPaths.
> Anyway, I think what you want is something like this (where VirtualKeyPath is 
> a custom subclass of KeyPath which is lazily-evaluated using a closure).
> extension KeyPath where Value: Collection {
>     func map<T>(_ descendent: KeyPath<Value, T>) -> VirtualKeyPath<Root, [T]> 
> {
>         return VirtualKeyPath<Root, [T]> { 
>             (obj: Root) -> [T] in obj[keypath: self].map { $0[keypath: 
> descendent] } 
>         }
>     }
> }
> \Department.people.map(\.fullName).characters.count  // type: 
> VirtualKeyPath<Department, [Int]>
> Custom subclasses of KeyPath are not allowed, so you can’t actually do this. 
> I don’t know, maybe it wouldn’t be much overhead to add the one, 
> closure-based VirtualKeyPath — clearly the architecture is meant to be 
> flexible. Maybe it’s better to wait until Swift 5 for that, though.
> - Karl

Two corrections to myself:

1) It’s KeyPath<Value.Element, T>

2) You could implement VirtualKeyPath today, but you wouldn’t get the chaining 
syntax. You’d have to just keep map-ping it every time:

\Department.people.map(\.fullName).map(\.characters.count)  // type: 
VirtualKeyPath<Department, [Int]>

- Karl

>> On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 6:11 PM Xiaodi Wu via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> +1. Would think that all variants should exist on Optional too unless it 
>> would be harmful.
>> On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 20:13 Michael J LeHew Jr via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> This is a great idea, and ought to be easy enough to bring forward!  +1 from 
>> me!
>> -Michael
>> > On Jun 7, 2017, at 11:18 AM, Matt Diephouse via swift-evolution 
>> > <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> >
>> > 💯
>> >
>> >> On Jun 7, 2017, at 10:35 AM, Adam Sharp via swift-evolution 
>> >> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> The new smart key path feature is really lovely, and feels like a great 
>> >> addition to Swift.
>> >>
>> >> It seems like it might be straightforward to add overloads of `map` and 
>> >> `flatMap` to the standard library to make use of the new functionality:
>> >>
>> >>      let managers = flatOrganisation.managers
>> >>      let allEmployees = Set(managers.flatMap(\.directReports))
>> >>      let employeeNames = Set(allEmployees.map(\.name))
>> >>
>> >> This feels like a really natural way of working with key paths in a 
>> >> functional style. It makes a lot of sense for collections, and possibly 
>> >> for Optional too (although as far as I can see optional chaining is more 
>> >> or less equivalent, and with more compact syntax).
>> >>
>> >> I’m hoping that this might be low-hanging fruit that could be considered 
>> >> for the Swift 4 release. I’d be happy to have a go at writing a proposal 
>> >> if there’s interest!
>> >>
>> >> –Adam
>> >>
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