> On 7. Jun 2017, at 19:35, Adam Sharp via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> The new smart key path feature is really lovely, and feels like a great 
> addition to Swift.
> It seems like it might be straightforward to add overloads of `map` and 
> `flatMap` to the standard library to make use of the new functionality:
>       let managers = flatOrganisation.managers
>       let allEmployees = Set(managers.flatMap(\.directReports))
>       let employeeNames = Set(allEmployees.map(\.name))
> This feels like a really natural way of working with key paths in a 
> functional style. It makes a lot of sense for collections, and possibly for 
> Optional too (although as far as I can see optional chaining is more or less 
> equivalent, and with more compact syntax).
> I’m hoping that this might be low-hanging fruit that could be considered for 
> the Swift 4 release. I’d be happy to have a go at writing a proposal if 
> there’s interest!
> –Adam
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Working demo:

struct VirtualKeyPath<Root, Value> {
    let block: (Root) -> Value    
    func evaluate(on: Root) -> Value { return block(on) }

// If we could extend 'Any', this would be possible...
//extension Any {
//    subscript(keyPath: VirtualKeyPath<Self, Value>) -> Value {
//        return keyPath.evaluate(on: self)
//    }

extension KeyPath where Value: Collection {
    func map<T>(_ descendent: KeyPath<Value.Element, T>) -> 
VirtualKeyPath<Root, [T]> {
        return VirtualKeyPath<Root, [T]> { (obj: Root) -> [T] in
            return obj[keyPath: self].map { $0[keyPath: descendent] }

extension VirtualKeyPath where Value: Collection {
    func map<T>(_ descendent: KeyPath<Value.Element, T>) -> 
VirtualKeyPath<Root, [T]> {
        return VirtualKeyPath<Root, [T]> { (obj: Root) -> [T] in
            return self.evaluate(on: obj).map { $0[keyPath: descendent] }

struct Person {
    let name: String
struct Department {
    let people: [Person]

let nameLengths = (\Department.people).map(\.name).map(\.characters.count)

let testObj = Department(people: [Person(name: "Alice"),
                                  Person(name: "Bob"),
                                  Person(name: "Claire"),
                                  Person(name: "David")])

kp.evaluate(on: testObj) // returns [5, 3, 6, 5]
As far as making this kind of thing easier in the language is concerned, one 
thing I can think of is allowing another \ to end the key-path expression, 
rather than enclosing it with brackets. So:

let nameLengths = (\Department.people).map(\.name).map(\.characters.count)


let nameLengths = \Department.people\.map(\.name).map(\.characters.count)

And that’s it, I think. It’s quite nice as-is.

- Karl

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