Okay, I’m starting to get on board with !!, but (remaining follows inline):

> On 28 Jun 2017, at 22:30, Erica Sadun via swift-evolution 
> <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
> Based on the feedback on this thread, I'm coming to the following conclusions:
> `!!` sends the right semantic message. "Unwrap or die" is an unsafe 
> operation. It is based on `!`, the unsafe forced unwrap operator, and not on 
> `??`, the safe fallback nil-coalescing operator. Its symbology should 
> therefore follow `!` and not `?`. 
> The `!!` operator should follow the same semantics as 
> `Optional.unsafelyUnwrapped`, which establishes a precedent for this approach:
> > "The unsafelyUnwrapped property provides the same value as the forced 
> > unwrap operator (postfix !). However, in optimized builds (-O), no check is 
> > performed to ensure that the current instance actually has a value. 
> > Accessing this property in the case of a nil value is a serious programming 
> > error and could lead to undefined behavior or a runtime error."
> By following `Optional.unsafelyUnwrapped`, this approach is consistent with 
> https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/master/docs/ErrorHandlingRationale.rst#logic-failures
> <https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/master/docs/ErrorHandlingRationale.rst#logic-failures>
> > "Logic failures are intended to be handled by fixing the code. It means 
> > checks of logic failures can be removed if the code is tested enough.
> Actually checks of logic failures for various operations, `!`, `array[i]`, 
> `&+` and so on, are designed and implemented to be removed
> when we use `-Ounchecked`. It is useful for heavy computation like image 
> processing and machine learning in which overhead of those checks is not 
> permissible."
> The right hand side should use a string (or more properly a string 
> autoclosure) in preference to using a `Never` bottom type or a `() -> Never` 
> closure. A string provides the cleanest user experience, and allows the 
> greatest degree of self-documentation. 
> - A string is cleaner and more readable to type. It respects DRY, and avoids 
> using *both* the operator and the call to `fatalError` or 
> `preconditionFailure` to signal an unsafe condition:
> `let last = array.last !! “Array guaranteed non-empty" // readable`
> than: 
> `let last = array.last !! fatalError(“Array guaranteed non-empty”) // 
> redundant, violates DRY`

I’d still like a () -> Never override to provide customisation:

let last = array.last !! logAndTrap(“Array guaranteed non-empty”)

> - A string allows the operator *itself* to unsafely fail, just as the unary 
> version of `!` does now. It does this with additional feedback to the 
> developer during testing, code reading, and code maintenance. The string 
> provides a self-auditing in-line annotation of the reason why the forced 
> unwrap has been well considered, using a language construct to support this.
> - A string disallows a potentially unsafe `Never` call that does not reflect 
> a serious programming error, for example:
> let last = array.last !! f() // where func f() -> Never { while true {} }
> - Although as several list members mention, a `Never` closure solution is 
> available today in Swift, so is the `!!` operator solution. Neither one 
> requires a fundamental change to the language.
> - Pushing forward on this proposal does not in any way reflect on adopting 
> the still-desirable `Never` bottom type.
>> On Jun 28, 2017, at 12:42 PM, Tony Allevato via swift-evolution 
>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 11:15 AM Dave DeLong <del...@apple.com 
>> <mailto:del...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>> On Jun 28, 2017, at 10:44 AM, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution 
>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>> Well the main debate is that, we all want early access to a feature that 
>>> will be part of Swift as soon as `Never` becomes the bottom type. When this 
>>> happens the `??` will automatically support the pitched behavior. Until 
>>> then if we all agree that we should add it now in a way that will not break 
>>> anything we can simply add an overload to `??` as I previously showed.
>> I believe we should add it now, but I like the recent observation that 
>> making ?? suddenly become a potentially crashing operator violates the 
>> expectation that ? is an indication of safety.
>> ?? does *not* become a potentially crashing operator. The *fatalError* (or 
>> whatever else the user chooses to put there) on the right-hand side is the 
>> crashing operation.
>> On the other hand, the existing semantics of Swift are that ! is always 
>> dangerous, so making !! be the a potentially crashing operator is much more 
>> consistent with the language.
>>> There is no need for `!!` because it will fade in the future. If you think 
>>> of `Never` as a bottom type now then `??` will already make total sense. 
>>> The default value for T from rhs might be T or Never. 
>> I respectfully disagree with your absolute position on this topic. Even with 
>> Never as a bottom type in the future, it would still be more convenient for 
>> me to type:
>> let last = array.last !! “Array must be non-empty"
>> … than it ever would be to type:
>> let last = array.last ?? fatalError(“Array must be non-empty”)
>> There is a very high bar for additions to the standard library—a new 
>> operator added to the language is going to be around (1) forever, or (2) 
>> indefinitely with some migration cost to users if it's ever removed. Shaving 
>> off a few keystrokes doesn't quite meet that bar—especially when an 
>> alternative has been shown to work already that provides the same 
>> functionality, is more general (not coupled to fatalError or String 
>> messages), and that fits better into Swift's design.
>> To make sure I'm not being too much of a downer, I would completely support 
>> this broader feature being implemented by that alternative: the ?? + 
>> autoclosure () -> Never combo. Then once Never does become a true bottom 
>> type, I believe it could be removed and the calling code would still *just 
>> work*.
>> Dave
>>> @erica: the rhs argument should be called something like `noreturnOrError` 
>>> and not `defaultValue`. And we should keep in mind that when Never becomes 
>>> the bottom type we have to remove that overload from stdlib, because 
>>> otherwise it will be ambiguous. 
>>> ---
>>> On the other hand if we tackle a different operator then we should rething 
>>> the 'default value operator' because the second ? signals an optional but 
>>> not a non-optional or an inplicit unwrapped operator. In that case I 
>>> personally thing ?! would make more sense. Unwrap or (non-optional | IUO | 
>>> trap/die)
>>> -- 
>>> Adrian Zubarev
>>> Sent with Airmail
>>> Am 28. Juni 2017 um 18:13:18, Tony Allevato via swift-evolution 
>>> (swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>) schrieb:
>>>> It's hard for me to articulate, but "foo !! message" feels a little too 
>>>> much like a Perl-ism for my taste. Objectively that's not a great 
>>>> criticism on its own, but I just don't like the "smell" of an operator 
>>>> that takes a value on one side and a string for error reporting purposes 
>>>> on the other. It doesn't feel like it fits the style of Swift. I prefer a 
>>>> version that makes the call to fatalError (and thus, any other 
>>>> non-returning handler) explicitly written out in code.
>>>> So, if the language can already support this with ?? and autoclosure/Never 
>>>> as was shown above, I'd rather see that added to the language instead of a 
>>>> new operator that does the same thing (and is actually less general).
>>>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 8:52 AM Jacob Williams via swift-evolution 
>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>> I feel that the !! operator would be necessary for indicating that if this 
>>>> fails then something went horribly wrong somewhere and we should throw the 
>>>> fatalError. This allows the inclusion of optimizations using -Ounchecked 
>>>> and is clear that this is an operation that could result in a runtime 
>>>> error just like force unwrapping.
>>>> If we want code clarity and uniformity, then I think !! Is much better 
>>>> than ?? because it goes right along with the single ! Used for force 
>>>> unwrapping. However, this does depend on if the operator would be 
>>>> returning some kind of error that would cause the program to exit.
>>>> I think the ?? operator should not cause a program to exit early. It goes 
>>>> against optional unwrapping principles. I think code could get very 
>>>> confusing if some ? would return nil/a default value, and others would be 
>>>> causing your program to crash and exit. The ? operators should always be 
>>>> classified as safe operations.
>>>>> On Jun 28, 2017, at 9:41 AM, Ben Cohen via swift-evolution 
>>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>>>> On Jun 28, 2017, at 8:27 AM, David Hart via swift-evolution 
>>>>>> <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:
>>>>>> Count me in as a strong proponent of ?? () -> Never. We don't need to 
>>>>>> burden the language with an extra operator just for that.
>>>>> You could say the same about ??
>>>>> The concern that an additional operator (and one that, IMO, fits well 
>>>>> into existing patterns) is so burdensome seems way overweighted in this 
>>>>> discussion IMO. 
>>>>> Adding the operator, and encouraging its use, will help foster better 
>>>>> understanding of optionals and legitimate use of force-unwrapping in a 
>>>>> way that I don’t think `?? fatalError` could.
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