There’s also a PureSwift organization of GitHub that has several Swift PM 
packages built specifically with Linux support in mind <>

It looks like it’s along the lines of SwiftBreezy, but it hasn’t died out…yet.

At the same time, this may just be another example of how without an Apple 
“backed”/supported repo, the community is very likely to become more and more 
fragmented as more and more people implement the same few frameworks with minor 

> On Aug 3, 2017, at 5:04 AM, Stephen Canon via swift-evolution 
> <> wrote:
>> On Aug 2, 2017, at 7:03 PM, Karl Wagner via swift-evolution 
>> < <>> wrote:
>> It’s important to remember that computers are mathematical machines, and 
>> some functions which are implemented in hardware on essentially every 
>> platform (like sin/cos/etc) are definitely best implemented as compiler 
>> intrinsics.
> sin/cos/etc are implemented in software, not hardware. x86 does have the 
> FSIN/FCOS instructions, but (almost) no one actually uses them to implement 
> the sin( ) and cos( ) functions; they are a legacy curiosity, both too slow 
> and too inaccurate for serious use today. There are no analogous instructions 
> on ARM or PPC.
> – Steve
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