Interesting figures. I will not try to discuss the generics, inlineable,
etc. there are certainly good observations and comments to make here, but
most people in this list know certainly more about it than I do.

I just want to point out that IMO a core math library for swift should
comply with the IEEE 754 standard in terms of precision, domain, and
special values. *On the long term*, it should ideally be able to use SIMD
instructions when applied to arrays/matrices or when the compiler can
autovectorize some loops.

On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 8:52 PM, Taylor Swift via swift-evolution <> wrote:

> In an effort to get this thread back on track, I tried implementing
> cos(_:) in pure generic Swift code, with the BinaryFloatingPoint protocol.
> It deviates from the _cos(_:) intrinsic by no more than
> 5.26362703423544e-11. Adding more terms to the approximation only has a
> small penalty to the performance for some reason.
> To make the benchmarks fair, and explore the idea of distributing a Math
> module without killing people on the cross-module optimization boundary, I
> enabled some of the unsafe compiler attributes. All of these benchmarks are
> cross-module calls, as if the math module were downloaded as a dependency
> in the SPM.
> == Relative execution time (lower is better) ==
> llvm intrinsic                   :  3.133
> glibc cos()                      :  3.124
> no attributes                    : 43.675
> with specialization              :  4.162
> with inlining                    :  3.108
> with inlining and specialization :  3.264
> As you can see, the pure Swift generic implementation actually beats the
> compiler intrinsic (and the glibc cos() but I guess they’re the same thing)
> when inlining is used, but for some reason generic specialization and
> inlining don’t get along very well.
> Here’s the source implementation. It uses a taylor series (!) which
> probably isn’t optimal but it does prove that cos() and sin() can be
> implemented as generics in pure Swift, be distributed as a module outside
> the stdlib, and still achieve competitive performance with the llvm
> intrinsics.
> @_inlineable
> //@_specialize(where F == Float)
> //@_specialize(where F == Double)
> public
> func cos<F>(_ x:F) -> F where F:BinaryFloatingPoint
> {
>     let x:F = abs(x.remainder(dividingBy: 2 * F.pi)),
>         quadrant:Int = Int(x * (2 / F.pi))
>     switch quadrant
>     {
>     case 0:
>         return  cos(on_first_quadrant:        x)
>     case 1:
>         return -cos(on_first_quadrant: F.pi - x)
>     case 2:
>         return -cos(on_first_quadrant: x - F.pi)
>     case 3:
>         return -cos(on_first_quadrant: 2 * F.pi - x)
>     default:
>         fatalError("unreachable")
>     }
> }
> @_versioned
> @_inlineable
> //@_specialize(where F == Float)
> //@_specialize(where F == Double)
> func cos<F>(on_first_quadrant x:F) -> F where F:BinaryFloatingPoint
> {
>     let x2:F = x * x
>     var y:F  = -0.0000000000114707451267755432394
>     for c:F in [0.000000002087675698165412591559,
>                -0.000000275573192239332256421489,
>                 0.00002480158730158702330045157,
>                -0.00138888888888888880310186415,
>                 0.04166666666666666665319411988,
>                -0.4999999999999999999991637437,
>                 0.9999999999999999999999914771
>                 ]
>     {
>         y = x2 * y + c
>     }
>     return y
> }
> On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 7:04 AM, Stephen Canon via swift-evolution <
>> wrote:
>> On Aug 2, 2017, at 7:03 PM, Karl Wagner via swift-evolution <
>>> wrote:
>> It’s important to remember that computers are mathematical machines, and
>> some functions which are implemented in hardware on essentially every
>> platform (like sin/cos/etc) are definitely best implemented as compiler
>> intrinsics.
>> sin/cos/etc are implemented in software, not hardware. x86 does have the
>> FSIN/FCOS instructions, but (almost) no one actually uses them to implement
>> the sin( ) and cos( ) functions; they are a legacy curiosity, both too slow
>> and too inaccurate for serious use today. There are no analogous
>> instructions on ARM or PPC.
>> – Steve
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