> Actually, if you do a lot of graphics programming like I do, the memory 
> layout is very, very important. Swift may not care about layout, but many 
> APIs that it interacts with do. 

Sure; I’m well-aware of how important it can be to decide on an appropriate 
memory layout. I’m very much in favour of opting-in to contiguous layout for 

> Is @fixed_layout actually planned to be part of the language? I was under the 
> impression it’s just a placeholder attribute. Either way, I’d appreciate not 
> having to write Float sixteen times for a 4x4 matrix type.

AFAIK @fixed_layout is a placeholder attribute. And I’m also very much in 
favour of a shorthand for declaring a fixed-size list.

I just don’t see why we need to introduce this new kind of list-like thing in 
order to get what we need. It makes it harder to project a coherent message 
about when to use which data-type.

- Karl
swift-evolution mailing list

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