For what it’s worth, I’d be happy with just subscripts on tuples and some
form of shorthand for their size. Maybe

(Float ... 5)

or something like that. That would obviate the need for an attribute too.

On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 11:48 PM, Karl Wagner <> wrote:

> Actually, if you do a lot of graphics programming like I do, the memory
> layout is very, *very* important. Swift may not care about layout, but
> many APIs that it interacts with do.
> Sure; I’m well-aware of how important it can be to decide on an
> appropriate memory layout. I’m very much in favour of opting-in to
> contiguous layout for tuples.
> Is @fixed_layout actually planned to be part of the language? I was under
> the impression it’s just a placeholder attribute. Either way, I’d
> appreciate not having to write Float sixteen times for a 4x4 matrix type.
> AFAIK @fixed_layout is a placeholder attribute. And I’m also very much in
> favour of a shorthand for declaring a fixed-size list.
> I just don’t see why we need to introduce this new kind of list-like thing
> in order to get what we need. It makes it harder to project a coherent
> message about when to use which data-type.
> - Karl
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