Hi John,

tl;dr I think throws should be optionally typed. Ie. `func someSyscall(...) 
throws(POSIXError) -> Int` should be just as legal as `func 
doSomeFancyCocoaOperation() throws -> Void`.

> [...]
>> Here is where I think things stand on it:
>> - There is consensus that untyped throws is the right thing for a large 
>> scale API like Cocoa.  NSError is effectively proven here.  Even if typed 
>> throws is introduced, Apple is unlikely to adopt it in their APIs for this 
>> reason.
>> - There is consensus that untyped throws is the right default for people to 
>> reach for for public package (#2).
>> - There is consensus that Java and other systems that encourage lists of 
>> throws error types lead to problematic APIs for a variety of reasons.
>> - There is disagreement about whether internal APIs (#3) should use it.  It 
>> seems perfect to be able to write exhaustive catches in this situation, 
>> since everything in knowable. OTOH, this could encourage abuse of error 
>> handling in cases where you really should return an enum instead of using 
>> throws.
>> - Some people are concerned that introducing typed throws would cause people 
>> to reach for it instead of using untyped throws for public package APIs.
> Even for non-public code.  The only practical merit of typed throws I have 
> ever seen someone demonstrate is that it would let them use contextual lookup 
> in a throw or catch.  People always say "I'll be able to exhaustively switch 
> over my errors", and then I ask them to show me where they want to do that, 
> and they show me something that just logs the error, which of course does not 
> require typed throws.  Every. Single.  Time.

I just grep'ed through some code and what I always see is this:

        } catch let e {
            fatalError("unexcepted error caught: \(e)")

most of the code is fairly low-level and the only error thrown in there is a 
POSIXError which basically holds the errno value and a string describing the 
failed syscall. I find this a very common pattern. Also the IMHO quite 
widespread use of Result<E, T> types shows that there are valid uses of a typed 
error mechanism. On the other hand requiring a high-level Cocoa method to 
declare all errors doesn't seem right either. So why not optionally typing the 

> [...]

-- Johannes
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