On 29.09.2017 3:56, Tony Allevato via swift-evolution wrote:
I don't want this to come across as though I'm trying to shut down discussion (because it's not my place to do so), but a significant amount of time was spent during the Swift 4 design phases debating how access levels should work, decisions were made, and I think many of us would like to move on and give time to other topics.

I'd encourage you to look back through the archives and familiarize yourselves with the points made during that time. While it's always possible, I think it's unlikely that there will be new evidence introduced that would be so strong as to give the Swift team reason to, once again, make major source-breaking changes to access levels as late as Swift 5.

Tony, while I do understand and support your opinion and don't support the idea of this pitch, don't you think we should fix the huge inconsistency with 'private extension'?

private extension MyType {
        /// This method have fileprivate access level, not private
        func function() {...}

Such behavior had sense when extension was not able to keep private methods(who was able to see them then), but currently it is perfectly OK to have extension with only private methods in the same file with type.
And one can really use 'fileprivate extension' if this is an intention.
Existence of this inconsistency IMHO makes understanding of Swift access modifiers/levels even harder(especially for newcomers), adds point of confusion and even possible bugs(when code in same file accesses some method that really should be private), and removes a very useful feature to move some private methods to extensions.

Thank you.


On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 5:31 PM Jonathan Hull via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:


    This is the way it always should have worked… and it is the way my brain 
    expects it to work.  All of the extraneous “Public”s clutter the code and 
make it
    much more difficult to read.  Without it, the relatively few properties 
    Internal or Private stand out.

    I know there is the argument about making people think about whether they 
want to
    expose each item… but it doesn’t work that way.  Once you assign someone a 
    task (assigning Public to most of the things), you lose the effect of 
having them
    think.  From a cognitive psychology lens, when you give the brain a number 
    decisions to make in a row that are very similar, it will naturally make 
    task more efficient by automating as much of it as possible (i.e. thinking 
    it less).  Mistakes become much more likely as a result.

    Tl;dr: **Despite the*myth*/intention**that the current setup makes you*think
    about the problem more,* it actually does the*opposite* and leads to an
    *increased risk of error*.


    On Sep 28, 2017, at 10:44 AM, James Valaitis via swift-evolution
    <swift-evolution@swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution@swift.org>> wrote:

    When declaring a public class or struct the properties still default to 
    public final class NewType {
    /// This property defaults to internal.
    var property: Any?

    This is not the same for a public extension on the type, where then the 
    modifier is respected for any function or calculated property within the 
    public extension NewType {
    /// This function inherits the public modifier.
    func function() {

    I dislike this inconsistency, and I frequently find that when using my 
    frameworks my code will not compile, and it will be due to my accidentally
    writing a public struct but not declaring the properties public.

    I believe in the idea that explicitly stating the access modifier leads to 
    legible code, but in my opinion it can be overdone, and I much prefer to
    explicitly state my intentions in the modifier on the definition or 
    For example:

    public struct Coordinate {
    /// Should default to public.
    let latitude: Double
    /// Should default to public.
    let longitude: Double
    /// Should default to public
    init?(latitude: Double, longitude: Double) {
    guard validate(latitude: latitude, longitude: longitude) else { return nil }
    internal extension Coordinate {
    /// Convenience initialiser to me used internally within the module.
    init(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) {
    private extension Coordinate {
    /// Private validation of the coordinate.
    func validate(latitude: Double, longitude: Double) -> Bool {

    This is legible and intuitive. The current behaviour is not.

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